Doorbell - Lena Luthor

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Lena Pov:

On one, particular night, I had woken up the noise of our doorbell ringing. Which at three in the freaking morning is already crazy.

So I shook (Your Name) fully awake and told her that I heard the doorbell and to go investigate it because she was terrified.

Your Pov:

So I quickly jump out of bed. I put on a white t-shirt and grab a bat in the closet.

I went all the way to the front door and unlocks it. Lena looks scared shitless, she even peeks around the corner watching it all going down.

I step outside and I nervously understand the reason for the problem when I ask Lena, "Lee?"

And she responds really nervous, "Yes?" I stand in the doorway with a real frustrated tired look in my eyes and say, "We don't have a fucking doorbell."

Author Notes:

I want to put my two favorite hobbies of mine together.

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