8 Inch

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I finished a meeting with Kara, Alex, and Lena and we all head up towards Lena's lab to check out the new weapons she made. I slow down to walk next to Lena and noticed that Lena is walking funny, "I thought you wanted that 8 inches and now you're walking like that."

Lena doesn't know what to say while Kara and Alex are obviously embarrassed by the loud outburst, "WHAT THE FUCK (Y/N)!" Alex mumbled that Kara and Lena can hear.

Confused about what Alex just said, "What?"

"We're at the office, can you please tone down your voice when talking about sexual stuff?!"

"YOU IDIOT! I'm talking about Lena's 8-inch heels!"

"Oh, I hear Brainy calling my name. I have to leave."



Sam dying from laugher at what Lena just told her, "Sometimes I forget (Y/N) and Alex are best friends."

Prompt by Janafo28

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