Falling In Love Is Natural Part 2

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I still remember it like yesterday...

*End Of Flashback*

"Babe, I told Lena that we are getting married in 2 weeks. Are you okay with Lena coming to our wedding?"

Looking up at the unforgettable deep blue eyes of my soon to be wife, "Of course, she is your best friend. I know-how important Lena is to you, Kara."

Kara set down her dumplings on the coffee table where all the game night happened, she came to strangle my lap, putting her arms around my neck, and are forehead touch making electricity going crazy by how little she can make me feel things, "I just want to make sure if you are okay with it. I know you and Lena don't have a great relationship. I want you to feel comfortable at our wedding."

Feeling the warmth on my cheeks by this incredible woman in my arms can be so caring and understanding.

Leading to met Kara's pink lips into mine, and how perfect our lips can fit just like a puzzle, and becoming more passionate every second that it got heated to the point where my back touched against the mattress. Making the evening filled with a new passion to explore and making the food go cold.


I can't believe Kara is getting married in 2 weeks with the person I ache and cry every time I try to sleep. Making me feel guilty of how (Y/N) walked out of my office, and I didn't even try to stop her from removing herself out of my life just like a quick of a snap. I know it was the right thing to do back then. After dating a bunch of people, Sam told me I have high standards, I have high standards because they're not (Y/N), her warm smile, her dorkyness, her energy that full up the room by just being there, and the sound of her laugher is the next biggest hit.

My mind keeps going to where she first left I would describe my heartache as like an insatiable fire that burnt all the oxygen in my body leaving me listless and empty. But now it is more like a thin layer of ice, cooling my insides, a gentle reminder of the pain that came before and a warning not to stoke that fire again. I can't see myself putting my heart out there again, I don't think it can survive another inferno, it makes me feel nausea swirled unrestrained in my empty stomach. My head swam with half-formed regrets. My heartfelt as if my blood had become tar as it struggled to keep a steady beat. My melancholy mood hung over me like a black cloud, raining my personal sorrow down on me wherever I went to doze off that night.

Author Note: I hope you like this lferloquendo :)

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