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Your Pov:
The DEO has been busy with a new alien that attacked and new agents recruiting at the DEO. Noticing Alex and Brainy in the center of the DEO with all the screen scanning the whole city and donuts in their hands. And hearing a whoosh noises from the balcony with a well-dressed woman that looks delicious in a suit that will catch everyone's attention with her high raven ponytail blowing in the wind. Attach to the younger woman is the well-known hero of National City, Supergirl, and also, well known as a famous reporter at Catco Magazine Worldwide Media, Kara Danvers.

Heading towards Kara and Lena. Watching Lena lifting her head high trying to show off her flawless features like her sharp jawline and her high cheekbones. Kara zooming past me to head towards Alex making Lena fall flat on her face by the expected Kara.

Lena's Pov:
Y/N just saw me fall. Not like a regular fall but like faces flat. And my face is so red like I just embarrassed myself in front of my crush. Oh wait, I did. Good Job, Lena. You did it again. I'm gonna murder Kara for making me fall. Hearing footsteps coming towards me. Please don't be Y/N.

"Are you alright, Lena? That fall sounds like it was painful."

Damn... it's Y/N... this is what I get to impress her...

Your Pov:
Seeing Lena lifting her head up and our eyes met. I always fall for her soft green eyes every time I see her. She can just see through me like it was no problem. Making me feel butterflies in my stomach, and making my palm sweat. Omg, do I like Lena?!? That explains why I always wanted to be partner up with her and wanted to just kiss her lip, which makes her own lipstick be on my lips.

Lena Pov:
I need to say something before it turns to awkward.

"I'm fine. I just like to just lay on this cold concrete surface and looking at the clouds..."

"Um... you know that we're under a roof, right?"

"We are? I mean, yes we are. I thought there was a storm but it's just the gray ceilings."

Hearing Y/N laugh is like a drug. Making me cover my faces from the redness.

"May I help you get up from this dirty floor?"

I reached out my hand to Y/N. Her hands are so soft and feel so comfortable but feel disappointed when Y/N hand leaves mined.

"Thank y-"

It was slow and soft, comforting in ways that words would never be. Y/N's hand rested below my ear, her thumb caressing my cheek as our breaths mingled. She ran her fingers down my spine, pulling me closer until there was no space left between them and I could feel the beating of her heart against my chest. Y/N slowly breaking the kiss and resting her forehead into mine.

Hearing Y/N soft chuckle, "It's funny how you actually fall for me."

"Shut up and kiss me again, L/N!"

"Yes, Miss Luthor."

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