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"WILL." HALT'S VOICE CALLED over to him. Will glanced over to see his mentor beckoning him forward. Glancing awkwardly at the other archers, he hesitated, and then came to a decision.

"Practice your shooting at different ranges," he told them. "Every five minutes, give someone else a turn." They nodded their assent, and he went to follow the grizzled Ranger.

As they walked among the trees, Will became aware of an extended, and almost tense, lull. He looked over at Halt to see an uncomfortable expression upon his face, a look that Will had seldom seen.

"Halt?" For once, the Ranger didn't make a sarcastic remark at the question. "There's something you wanted to tell me?"

"Will..." The Ranger trailed off, and and Will raised an eyebrow. His mentor had never before had a problem of telling him anything, particularly when he was in a touchy mood. This hesitant, awkward manner wasn't something Will was used to.

Halt sighed. "When you were taken...I wanted to go after you, Will. I tried to find you, but..."

"Halt." Will shook his head. "It's alright, I don't blame you. And you did find me. We're here. Alive."

The Ranger nodded. A pause, and then, "Crowley wouldn't let me go after you."

Will nodded; it made sense. With Morgarath and his followers, Araluen must have needed all the Rangers.

A thought struck his mind. " did you get here? Did Crowley change his mind?" And the awkward silence was back, this time thicker than before. Will eyed his mentor, waiting for the man to speak.

"No. Crowley didn't change his mind." Will said nothing, though his mind was bursting with questions. If Crowley hadn't let him go, how was he here? Had Halt left, to find him? Or had he gotten permission elsewhere?

"I'm banished, Will."

"What?" Will exclaimed. "What do you mean, you're banished? Why? What did you do?"

I'm banished. was a result of treason...What did you do? Will thought, taking a step back. Halt, his mentor, the one who had come all this way to save him, was banished.

"It's only for one year," the grizzled Ranger said hastily. "I..."


"WHAT DID YOU DO?" Will asked quietly.

Halt swallowed, fearing that the boy was judging him for his actions. Surely Will wouldn't...?

His apprentice stared at him, those brown eyes seeming to bore into him. "Halt?" the boy prodded.

Halt sighed. He knew what to say, he knew the words he should say. But try as he might, they wouldn't come.

Why had he come? Because Will was his apprentice—no, not just his apprentice, something more, like, like a son, if he could ever manage to say the words.

"Because I couldn't leave you behind." The words left his mouth before he could think the better of them. "I insulted the King, I committed treason, so I could come after you. It was my decision to let you go. It was my responsibility to bring you back.

"Will, you're my apprentice. Don't you ever forget that. I will always find you; even when you think you're lost." Halt took the boy by the shoulders, ignoring the prickling sensation that filled his eyes. "I...I can't lose you, Will."

Will stared at him with wide eyes, and Halt returned the gaze, his whole body tensed. He didn't know what he'd do if Will turned away from him.

"Will?" he asked softly. No reply. "Will, I—"

He stumbled back as arms wrapped around his shoulders, nearly squeezing the life out of him. "Will!" he gasped. "Let...go!"

The hug—it could have been an attempt of murder, too, Halt thought—lasted a moment longer before Will let go. "Halt...I..." His apprentice looked down, fidgeting nervously. Halt was surprised to see a small light of shame in his eyes. "I'm sorry...I didn't know that you did that because of me. I should have—"

"No." Halt cut him off. "Will, look at me." The boy glanced up at him, and he continued. "This is not your fault. None of this is. You are my apprentice; I will always do anything I can to help you, and nothing you do will ever stop that."

Will nodded and gave him a small smile. "Thank you," he said softly. "It's nice to know someone's looking out for me."

Halt nodded. "Well," he said gruffly, "with your stubborn nature, you need someone to look after you." Will laughed, and he clapped the boy on the back. "Now go teach your archers."

Ranger's Apprentice: Tales UntoldWhere stories live. Discover now