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One-word prompt from tessanatorsix

Behind him, Will nudged Horace in the side. The warrior protested in surprise, quieting as the Ranger gestured for him to follow. Halt noticed, but said nothing as the two of them left the throne room. After a moment's hesitation, Sean gave a quiet order to the guards, and then it was just the two of them alone.

As ever, Ferris's gaze slid to the ground. "Thank you." The words were strained, forced, and the King took a step back as if afraid of a blow.

Halt didn't reply for a long moment. He thought of the times when they'd been children, the times when they'd played hide and seek with their sister. Of the times they'd sought each other for comfort as their parents shouted from the other side of the door, of the times they'd stay up late just for the fun of it.

And then he looked at the throne. That one simple, stupid thing that had drove that crack between them. A stupid crown, a stupid position, and a stupid jealousy that had ruined everything between them.

That very same crown sat upon Ferris's head now. The crown that was supposed to be his, and yet the thought of it made his stomach twist. Halt hated that crown and everything it stood for. And he hated all that it had caused, and—

Halt swallowed. For so many years, he'd thought he'd done so many things wrong. It must have been him that had caused his brother to push him that day. It must have been him that had drilled that hatred into his mind. But now, even as Ferris refused to look at him, he could see that there was nothing he could have done to fix it. The fissure was too wide, too deep.

"You were my brother," he said finally, looking at him. And by some miracle, Ferris raised his eyes to him. Nothing had changed. Even those two words meant nothing to his twin. "I would have died for you."

He turned away, and headed for the door, an unusual pain in his heart. After all this time, he thought he could say those three words. It shouldn't be this hard. Ferris was still his brother, his twin. Right?

As he reached the door, his feet faltered. But he still didn't look back. "At least keep the boy safe," was all he said. And then he walked out, each footstep heavier and heavier, his mind screaming for him to turn back and say it.

But he couldn't. He couldn't forgive his brother. Not this time.

Maybe not ever.

As much as I would have loved for that to change, Ferris wouldn't change and Halt just wouldn't be able to say it. But Ferris died anyways, so that's a little less pain? Probably not, but yeah
- Sylvar

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