Give Up

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EVANLYN DIDN'T KNOW HOW long it had been. Days, weeks, maybe even months? The time blurred together, and the snow was constantly there, covering the sun. And even when the sun was out, it did little to bring her any hope.

Her companion sat in the corner, staring off into space, muttering incoherent words under his breath. It broke her heart to see Will like that, and every day she woke up, it was like she was seeing him for the first time in the yard again.

A tear rolled down her cheek and she didn't bother to stop it. She was tired. Tired of trying, tired of this mess. She wanted to see her father, to know he was alright. She wanted Will to be alright, and not this mindless, drug-addicted shadow of who he used to be. She missed his smile, his laughter, his constant reassurance and optimistic nature.

She just wanted things to be the way they used to be, and yet the more she wished for it, the farther away it seemed to fly. Will might not ever come back to her. She might be caught by a Skandian any day now, and if that were to happen, both her and Will would die.

But the thought didn't bother her as much as it used to, and that was what scared her the most. She was beginning to give up, and she had no idea how to snap out of it. Trying was getting harder every day, particularly when fate never went her way.

"What am I supposed to do?" she whispered, looking up at the ceiling. She didn't know if she was talking to her father, Will, or Horace, and she didn't care, either. She knew there would be no reply, and she had become used to the familiar twinge of failure. "Please. I'm trying. Help me."

And once again, the silence was her only answer.

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