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A/N: you guys can blame whoever drew this for this one😂


"She's dead. How did she die?"

"They say she got sick. It's such a terrible loss."

"She has a son, doesn't she?"

"He was the boy at the funeral, beside the King. The poor boy has to grow up with no guidance now. From what I heard, the King doesn't do much."

"First we lost the Crown Prince, and now we've lost the Princess."

"May the gods have mercy on us."

No one noticed the cloaked figure that slipped through the little crowd and towards the woods. No one noticed the single tear than ran down his face.


HALT STOPPED IN FRONT of the little grave. Flowers littered the area, and the single name was engraved in the stone.

Caitlyn O'Carrick.

He dropped to his knees, touching a hand to the ground. He had nothing to give, and even a flower wasn't going to fix this.

"I'm sorry," he managed, lowering his head. "I'm sorry I left, Cait. I never wanted to leave you."

His vision blurred, and he didn't stop the tears. Had he could have stopped this, had he been there? If he'd chosen to fight his brother, would his little sister still be alive, and would his nephew still have a mother?

It was too late now. He would never know, and his sister was dead. His nephew had no one to look after him other than the fool that called himself a King.

And he was alone again. His sister had been the only one to believe him. She'd been the only one who ever listened, and now she was gone forever.

"I'm sorry," he whispered.

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