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HER BREATH CAME IN short gasps as she stumbled through the path, racing back to the cabin. The man hadn't seen her; she hoped. Either way, she didn't want to take any chances.

A cold hand gripped her heart. What if there were more of the men? What if they'd seen the cabin already, and decided to make it their home? Will! I've got to get back to Will!

The cabin was in sight. She stumbled over a rock and cursed as she lurched forward, landing hard on her face. Jumping back up, she rushed towards the door and yanked it open.

The cold leather slipped from her nerveless fingers as she stared at the sight before her. Wha-what? But how...when...?

He was standing there, his fists held to his forehead as he paced back and forth. As he turned to face her, his eyes widened. The dull cloud was gone; those brown eyes were bright as ever, flicked with the usual glint of determination and life.

A smile spread over his face, as he moved towards her, his arms outstretched. "Evanlyn! Thank God you're safe!" If his lips hadn't moved, she would have believed it was some sort of ghost.

But it wasn't a ghost, and it wasn't a hallucination. He had said her name. He had seen her for the first time in weeks.

Her visions blurred, and the hot tears trickled down her cheeks. His smile faltered as he cocked his head in confusion. Her limbs froze as he came forward, wrapping his arms around her. Oh God. He's back. He's back. He's finally back.

And then she couldn't hold back any longer. Flinging her arms around the apprentice, Evanlyn clung to him as though he were a lifeline, burying her face in his shoulder, heedless of everything else around him. Will was awake, and there was nothing more important at the moment. He's finally awake.

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