Who was it?

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You wake up in someone else's bed , you feel a cold towel on your head as you sit up, it falls down onto your lap. The silence brought you to know
No one was in the room. You took the chance to look around a little, the room looked similar to yours, but you know it most definitely was not. You turn to your left and see your clothes folded neatly.

After changing, you head out of the room, still not noticing who's it was, the matter brushed past you, you were just focused on seeing if your friends are okay.
Walking down the halls, the sound of your boots hitting against the wooden floor. It was a moment of silence you took In before entering the next room.

You walk to the cafeteria and sat where your group were. Chatting away until they noticed you. It didn't take too long.

"OMGG Y/N ARE YOU OKAY!?" sasha screamed making the whole room go silent. And looking your way. Heat flushes to your cheeks knowing people's eyes are burning through the back of your skull.

"Shhh quite down , and yes I'm okay" you replied looking at the trio for answers. Taking the hint..

"It was ymir" eren wisperd whilst smirking. And looked in ymirs direction. He wiggled his eyebrows making you cringe a little.

"Wipe that smirk off your face" you joked while a small blush came over your cheeks. You werent really the shy type but also not the fully confident type either. You just simply didn't like most people.

"It was cute!!" Sasha added on. She likes to make a big deal out of things which sometimes makes you feel flustered.

"Please dont tell anyone that I'm into girls" you whispered into sashas ear. The fear of the past still untold but still understood.

"Nah girl I wont, as long as you give me some of your food to me, but even if you didnt, I still wouldnt plus we are best friends now so you can tell me anything" sasha added back with a beam. Stuffing her face with food after. Always the food type. But you appreciated that she kept it to herself.

Y/n p.o.v
But how could you like a girl , you cant like a girl it's not "normal" what would your friends think of you , you know eren , mikasa , armin and now (sasha as she just caught on)would , because you already told them , but they said that they dont think anyone else would because apparently it wasnt considered "normal" I'm so scared about someone else finding out , I'm scared I'll casted aside-  society not the best. Everyone would just judge us too quickly for what they see on the outside rather what's on the inside. That's what's scary. It's not, not normal to like the same sex. But in some people's eyes it's different. And you just have to come to terms with it, but it's the fear of abandonment that eats away at you.

No ones p.o.v
You feel a tap on your shoulder, you turn around to see mikasa had gotten up from her seat to comfort you , she knew when you were panicking. You gave her a hug and a smile to let her know everything was okay. Although you were still a bit shaken. Again. Not the fully confident type. But not a crybaby. Everyone has weak spots right?

She got the signal and sat back down.

Connie and sasha were whispering and suddenly a loud "YES!" came from sasha.

The whole table looked at her. Confusion filled the room.

"OKAY OKAY, SO. me and connie are planning to do a round of spin the bottle before lights out , WHOS IN!?" Waiting for an answer until somebody spoke.

"I'm in" eren replied
Mikasa nodded her head looking at eren
The rest of us agreed. Agreeing to what could be in store? Or agreeing to full embarrassment?

You look around and stopped on a specific girl who was also staring into the same gaze. Looking away. Smiling to yourself. But soon that faded. Thoughts being pathetic took over you. But it wasn't you who was being pathetic, it was the voices in your head telling you that your not normal.

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