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I guess I really did love her.

I woke up with y/n by my side still sleeping in my arms. She looked so peaceful and at ease. I just wanted to squish her cheeks.  I felt so much better after some food and that stupid ice bath. But I guess it wasnt stupid after all, but I'm definitely not going to admit that! I wanted to do something for y/n to pay back for what she did too me. I was so lucky to have her. There wasnt much to do inside the walls. I tried to get up but y/n arms were wrapped around me. And I missed her so much. That i am not going to go away. I felt at home. Even if I didnt have one anymore she was my home. The one I love.

our morning flew past pretty quickly as we got up late. We had breakfast in ymirs room. We also got dressed and ready for the day.

"I suppose it's time to see everyone else huh?" Wrapping her arms around me.

"Yeah I guess so." I planted my lips onto ymirs. Little sparks going off. Of course not actually!

We walked down too the mess hall where everyone sat around the table.

"Y/n!! Good timing I brought meat!"

"Yeah, i didnt get that meat , cause someone set me up! Which by the way I'm not complaining about but still!!" I walked over and poked sashas forehead multiple times jokingly.

"Ow! Okay okay! Here have some." She handed the both of us some food as it was nearly past lunch.

"Yo ymir! Come sit next us." Reiner suggested pointing to the seat in front of him.  She rolled her eyes and kissed my forehead. "Better go speak to the devil.!" And with that she walked off. It was a bit suspicious. But I'm not going to jump to conclusions.

*time skip*
I went to go find hanji to thank her.
I soon got to her door and I was going to knock. But some bastard put their hand covering my eyes and the other my mouth. I couldnt move it all happend to fast. I tried to gather myself up trying to get out of the grip.

"Hey hey! Its reiner jeez I'm not some kidnapper I just knew if I grabbed you by the wrist youd punch me. So I thought it would be better if you couldnt see me." He let go of me. And closed the door behind him. "What's this all about!?"

"Calm down. A surprise I guess?"

"You idiot! Scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry" he rubbed the back of his neck.

"So what did you want?"

"I need you uhh"

"Spit it out reiner!"

"Ugh I need you blindfolded!"

"What the fu-"

"I'm not going to do anything to you so dont even think that!! As I said a surprise."

"I dont trust you."

"Well you gonna have to or imma carry you there."


"Just put the damn blindfold on y/n!"

"Ugh fine whatever. What happed to the 'I gOiNg tO mArRy YoU oNe DaY'" I whispered the last part. Cause I'm sure he wasnt supposed to say it out loud when he did

"What did you say?"

"Nothing. Just do it."

With that I was blindfolded. I was really confused what was going on. Reiner was very suspicious. Especially after the female titan appeared and felt with her. But that wasnt the point right now. I was blindfolded.

"What now?"

"You gonna have to hold onto me. Um I'm gonna use my odm gear so hold tight kay?"

"Umm. I dont want to die."

"Your not going to die!"

"Whatever you say 'HuSbAnD'" I say the last bit quieter again so he doesnt hear but really I just wanna expose him, but I think he heard because he went quite and almost let go of me.

"Hey! I said I dont want to die so hold on to me!!"

"I am!"

"Mhm whatever you say."

As we took off. Not gonna lie trusting Reiner to carry me with one hand is fucking scary. But we landed safely somewhere I didnt know cause I was fucking blindfolded.

"Yo big boi we here?"

"I- what?"

"Nothing we here now?"

"Yeah hold on."

The wind wasnt bad but my hair was down so it was going everywhere.

"Okay come on."

"Sure" I replied getting pulled in the mean time.

He grabbed my hand and left me to where we were going. It was the evening so I was extremely curious to what he wanted to do at sunset. I thought he was going to confess his love for me. Is he really that dense. He knows about me and ymir surely..

"Reiner if your going to confess your love i-"

"Oh darling he is not going to. In fact I'm going to speak mine." A familiar voice spoke up as we stopped. Reiner walked behind me and started untieing the blindfold. He whispered something I'm my ear which was mumbled but I figured some of the words. "I would if werent for her" he whispered sending a shiver down my spine. I couldnt tell if his tone an angry one or a saddend one.

"Wait. Close your eyes."

I did as said and I was taken with a familiar touch, but it was best not to say anything I kinda did like the surprise. The wind whipping our skin. I got tugged down by the hand that was intertwined with mine and I felt that I was sat on someone else's lap. But I didnt expect the next thing...

:D left on a cliffhanger oop- I love you guys thank you for reading my story means alot!! <3

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