setting up for a misson

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I know the kenma hasn't got anything to do with this , but just imagine ymir saying this to Reiner XD
Anyways enjoy~

Y/N P.o.v
I woke up beside ymir sleeping next to me. I snuggled into her back. Keeping me warm and cozy. Until I hear a knock on the door. I quickly check if it woke up ymir but she was still asleep. So I quickly rushed to the door trying to be quiet at the same time. "Yeah what is it?" I whispered. "Y/n we have another mission so get up quickly we are leaving in an hour so hurry up." Mikasa looked really tense but I knew nothing could stop her she is fucking badass, and I swear her and levi are related. "Fine okay. Eren will be fine I can read you like a picture book" i rolled my eyes. She was very protective of eren but i knew it was for the best. "Mhm. Now go get ready." She pushed me back into the room closing the door behind me.

I walk over to ymir who was still sleeping. She seemed like something was always on her mind, we've been together for a month now. And last mission seemed to bother her. Maybe I'm just overreacting.

"Oi, guess what Reiner just knocked on the door and gave me a kiss on the cheek!"

Ymir shot up. "What?! When!? How!? That little- I'm going to kill him for laying a hand on you. Especially is disgusting crusty ass lips on you!!" She started heading towards the door. "Ymir you dumbass I'm joking!" She turned around and shot a glare at me. "Uh oh-" I ran and hid in the closet in the other room holding my hand on my mouth trying to make as little noise as possible. "Y/n~ where are you my sweet darling~?" I heard footsteps come closer and closer until they stopped. The door flung open. "Hah I found you~ I'm going to get you! You cant run or hide from my now" ymir stuck her hands out and tickled me. Both falling to the ground both giggling. "Y-ymir s-to BWAHAHA" I closed my eyes for a split second and there she was on top an me. Pinning my hands above my head just like she did in training. She leaned down staring down at my lips and gave them a quick peck before picking my up into a hug. "Good morning"
"good morning ymir hope you liked your wake up. I sure am genius"

"Yeah right. I was gonna through some hands on his shitty looking face." We both laughed before getting ready for the mission. I didnt tell ymir about it yet. But she knew about it already?

"Ymir we've got another mission today apparently so let's kill some titans!"

"Yeah I heard when you were talking outside. You know- you really need to work on your 'tip toeing' better" I rolled my eyes towards her making her chuckle.

"Be safe out there okay? I cant afford to loose you , whose gonna beat up rieners ass when your not here?"

"Dont worry my little sweetheart. No ones going to lay a hand on you or they'll be dead meat! And if they do i will be there to shove their head up their ass!"

We both pulled each other into a hug and kissed each other passionately embracing the little time we have left before we have to set off

AHH sorry I couldnt think of ideas I hope you like it tho! Thank you for reading this , just know ily<3

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