mission pt2

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Ymir POV
"We arn't going to die okay!? Its going to be okay I promise." Y/n nodded in response. Pecking our lips together.

She didn't know my true form. About what I was. I don't know how she will take it, I'm pretty scared. Although I know Reiner and Bethhold wouldn't transform, knowing the dangers it could cause all of us problems, but especially them. Everyone knew about Annie and her titan powers as well as Eren. but Eren wasn't working with us. him and his stupid freedom though we are the same as those disgusting titan. as  said before. we turned into the things we hated the most. 

those man eating giants inched closer and closer with each step they took, eventually surrounding the bottom trying to reach up with their hands trying to grab things that looked like tiny bugs, but to us, they were our nightmare. 

I turn to look at y/n beside me, unable to read her expression. it was a mixture of fear and determination, both that clashed. "hey you okay?" i ask trying to get a better sense of what she's feeling. 

"im not sure" she looks up at me, a water barrier in her eyes threatning to break down.

"hey its going to be okay, look go back inside with krista and don't come outside no matter what okay?" i reasure her pulling into a hug. 

"hey krista!"


"you and y/n go inside and dont come out no matter what okay?"


y/n pecks my lips and left with krista heading back inside. or so i thought. 

i wanted to keep my titan powers to myself. you could say i was afraid. afraid of what y/n would think about me. she always talked about how she wanted all the titans to be dead, so we can finally have peace. our late night talks revolved about how they all (armin mikasa eren) dreamed about  going to the beach. she reminded me of eren. but im not surprised as they grew up together. she has so much determination to kill them, but little did she know that im one too. 

i told her to go inside so i could transform without her knowing and make those buttheads not tell a word to her or they are dead meat. 

i stand at the edge watching the scene those ugly bastards were making. 

 god how much i wanted to keep cuddling with y/n, but what was i expecting, theres never peace around here.

i turn back to face connie "hey let me see that knife for a sec" 

"uh sure" he hands me the knife.

"cheers!" i pat is almost bold head.

"hey! stop that!" he swatts my hand away and peers over the edge slowly followed by everyone. else.

"ugh, what are we going to do?!" that ugly bastard reiner spoke, breaking whatever you could call silence apart from the titan making an absolute rucous. 

"we dont have our ODM gear!" 

"shit shit shit!!" 

i climb back to standing on the edge on more footstep and ill be on the otherside falling straight into their mouths. 

"ymir what are you doing get down!"


Me and krista head inside her arm linked with mine. what if ymir gets caught while im sitting inside doing nothing to help. 

"y/n it will be okay, im sure they will think of a plan!" 

"you really think so?" my voice slightly breaking from the fear. ugh how much i wanted those bastards to die, they ruined so much of my life! my dad died because of them! 

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