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I wake up to a warm body hugging me, my eyes open meeting another's "morning beautiful"
I hide my blush by nuzzled my face into her chest. Hiding, She tightend her grip around my waist while stroking my hair. "Your adorable" ymir laughed and tickled me. I let out a few giggles and we laughed together for a while, until it went serious again."I'm sorry for last night, I didnt mean it" a tear rolled down my face only to be wiped by ymirs thumb. She rest her hand on my cheek staring into my eyes. I looked up and stared into her beautiful eyes. 'Lost in someones eyes they say?' Our gaze got cut off by soft lips that pressed onto mine. I wrapped my hands on her neck, deepening the kiss. Until Our moment got cut off by a knock on the door.

"Y/n are you okay, I know you wont let me in. But I'll see you in training kay?" A familiar voice spoke through the cracks of the door. Soon I recognized it was mikasa. Wait..

"TRAINING?!" I look at the clock and see that theres only 10 minutes. "We need to get up!" " I turn to step out of my bed, when arms wrap around me. Pulling my body into hers.
"We are in our uniform already dummy" I look down to see that she was right " oh right.." she turned me around and pressed her soft lips on mine. I pulled away "we really need to go" I say hiding my blush by pulling her into a hug and resting my head on her chest. The warm feeling had to end at some point.

"Right brats, partner up, we are going to do hand to hand combat. So choose carefully" I look around to see everyone partnered up. I look down to my shoes standing alone. I slowly started to walk saving the embarrassment of standing in the open like a lost puppy.

"Hey, what are you sulking about beautiful. You got me."

I spun around to see ymir with her hand in her hip and smirking at me. Cource it had to be her. Not complaining or whatever though..

"Come on, what you waiting for, scared huh?"

I slowly walk closer to her not making any sign to hit her. I didnt want to hit her. Her beautiful face would get ruined. I smirked to myself a little.

"My beautiful face huh?" 

And what I didnt realise was that I was speaking out loud. Wonderful. Just great.

"i said that out lou-d? Heh?" Cursing myself once again for stuttering. My luck isnt so great at the moment.

"Yes you did sweetheart" I blush at her choice of words. I closed my eyes for a second and only to be swept from my knees and into my back with my hands pinned above my head. The blood rushes to my cheeks, and I try my best to avoid her gaze in this.. position.

she leaned closer, slowly closing her eyes. I quickly turn her over onto her back. In the same position she had me.

"Dont underestimate me." Taking the chance to turn the tables, I did so. The dust from the ground whirling around in the wind causing the air to grow thick . I suddenly feel someones touch  on my cheeks , ymir grabbed my face and kissed me. "You may have won at that, but I think I just won at this" winking as she spoke.  a small blush appeared on her face as well as her chestnut eyes staring into mine."I think you beautiful too"
Looking away. A small smile tugging at my lips.

Realization (Ymir x reader)Where stories live. Discover now