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As I was sat on someones lap. Their hands snaked around my waist. The feeling of soft lips travelled onto my neck. their breath hitting against my neck tickling my skin

"hahaha s-stop. y-our t-tick-kling me" i tried to speak through my giggles.


"okay so whats the thing you wanted to do again?"

"ugh asshole would you ever listen to me? okay so you need to grab y/n and brig her to the top of wall. blindfolded."

"i mean fine if its to se- if its that important. then i guess i have no choice."

i see reiners face blush a bit. god how much i wanted to kick his ass. but i didnt want to make a comosion, especially with the higher ups and y/n here.

"keep it in your pants would ya"

"huh?" he immideitly turned his head the other way to avoid eye contact.

"thats the least you could do for me, i would much rather kill you now and be free. but im sticking to your stupid plan for y/n not you idiot."

"i know. and ill do it."


back to your pov

the kisses stopped and i felt their hands working on the blindfold. until it slipped down and i opened my eyes. i was on top of the wall. the sunset hitting my skin. the pink/orange glow in front of us. i turned around to see ymir. hugging me.

"hey beautiful." she smirked leaning towards my lips. We kissed for a couple of minutes until she broke it off.

"Snacks?" She spoke breaking the silence


She leaned out of the way making sure I get the view of her set up behind her.

(Imagine something like this

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(Imagine something like this. Just on top of the wall)

She prepared a beautiful date on the wall. No ones ever done this for me.


"Do you like it?"

"Of course I do dummy. I literally love you! How could I not"

"W-wait you love me?"

"I-" I got interrupted by her hands cupping my face brining it towards hers. Our foreheads now touching as we stare into each others eyes.

"I love you too darling."

My eyes glossy I pulled her into a kiss full of love. She put all her love into it as I did the same. It was the best kiss I've ever felt.

the sunset now dark orange and pink creating a beautiful gleam. the light hitting against our skin creating an orange glow. the perfect view on the wall was pretty. i was still sat on ymir but it didnt seam to bother her, so i just stayed there. our conversations random. giggles an laughs. including making fun of riener. everything was perfect. she was perfect .

"so what was the occasion?" striking a new conversation putting a strawberry into my mouth as i awaited her answer.

"well since i didnt spend time with you as i was ill for so long, i felt i needed to repay myself. and i wanted to make it perfect."

"well it is perfect."

"thats a relief then. but i hope this will make it more than perfect."

ymir stood up kissing my cheek in the process. she reached into her pocket and looked me in the eyes.

"can you close your eyes for me darling?" i did as she said and closed my eyes. i wave of nervousness came over me. wondering what her next move could be. i felt her hand reach mine intwerining her fingers with mine. "we havent been together long but i have really fallen inlove with you. our 6 months being together was the best 6 in my life and i want to be by your side until i die. i want to protect you from kinds like me who come for you. me being the exception." i could feel her smirk even with my eyes closed. "lets be honest we dont have long. people are dying left and right. second after second and i want to live my life the most i can with you. i honestly dont know how youve stuck around an asshole like me. everytime i look at your beautiful face i fall inlove with you more and more each second. You mean so much to me and if anything ever happens. Live for me. Be happy okay?"

"i love you ymir."

"i love you too."

As we layed in each others arms. It was long enough for it to get dark. The stars stared to shine. And the moon finally showing its beauty. "Love?" Her soft voice caused me to remove my eyes from the stars. To meet her gaze. "Yes?" I awaited her response. As we lay on our backs with her arm behind her head. My head on her chest and our pinkie interlocked. She moved her arm and pointed to the brightest star. "Can that be our star?" She said quietly. I felt heat rise to my cheeks. I wasnt expecting that. But it made me happy. "Of course." She turns her head in tend to kiss mine. I watched at her eyes stared at 'our star's a small smile tugging at her lips in full admiration. "The moon is beautiful isnt it?" I say. Never taking my eyes off her..


Happy valentines day!! i hope you liked it. ymir loves you. you simps :) and i love you. also the picture of ash and eiji was for you to imagine it being you and ymir with te sunset in the back!! <3

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