everyone else

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I woke up to warmth and someone playing with my hair. "Mornin beautiful." I cuddled into her chest even more. Her sent surrounding me. It was addicting. Her sent sweet. Making me fall in love with it even more each time. "So does this mean your now my girlfriend?" Her soft voice speaks breaking the silence. It's as almost you can see the smirk as shes talking without even looking at her. "Yeah if that's okay with you?" The hands that were playing with my hair moved up to my cheeks cupping my face. "Course it is." She moved down towards my face. Her lips slowly touching mine. I kiss her back enjoying the moment before we had to get up. Spending the little time we have together. Making the most of our morning as much as we can. Cute little moments like this made me feel safe and confident. Not only in myself but us.

We both got dressed and made in down to the mess hall and ate our breakfast. I feel someone kicking me under the table. I look up to see who it was and its mikasa giving me the 'howd-it-go?' Look. I smirked at her and as she got the signal almost immediately.  Always the one to get it the quickest."Soo cold isn't it" sasha beamed breaking the most awkward silence in the room. "Haha you know how to light up the room dontcha sash" as her wrapped his arm around her neck and kissed her cheek. connie laughed but suddenly fadded when no one else was making it an awkward silence. all eyes were on him. "What?"
"You didnt tell us you and sasha are a couple?!" Jean exclaimed. "Oh fu-"
"WHO ELSE ARE A COUPLE!?" jean shouted obviously jealous that hes not in one. I look at ymir. And grab her hand putting our entwined fingers in the air. "Us" I winked at jean who's jaw dropped. Everyone gasped except mikasa who already knew.
"Oh come on, it's not different to sasha and connie" I laughed. Feeling more confident. Something that hasn't stuck around. While everyone was still shocked. I rolled my eyes towards them putting me and ymirs hands down on the table. Still holding them. I felt someone breathing on my neck which made me shiver doing so I  quickly turned around to have met  lips on mine. It gave me a shock but I leaned into it. I heard some 'awes' which made me blush a little. Now ymir is only mine. And I'm only hers. Nothing could get in our way right?..

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