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The thought of ymir didnt leave my mind. Everything I did, my only thoughts were her. I needed to do something about it. It wasn't a bad thing, but its in the back of my mind.

I walk over to mikasa's room to ask her what I should do, she might seem quite but once you get to know her, she really opens up. "Hey mika?"

"Y/N?" The voice spoke back.

"Yeah it's me, can I come in? I need your help"

Within less than a second, the door flung open and mikasa invited me in. She was always fast at things.

"What's up?"

"So about the other night and ymir"

"Ahh, I know where this is headed." She said closing the door behind her and sat next to me."I know you didnt mean it, I've known you all my life you like my sister. So I can tell what you like and dont like. I know you've been glancing at her for a long time now. You make it too obvious." She laughed and hugged me, as a large blush spread across my face.

"I was that obvious?" I asked.

"Yes, so what you going to do?" She let out a quiet chuckle.

"Well I did come here to ask you" I chuckled and to my surprise she did Too. I was so happy that I had a best friend like her. "Well I want to tell her, but like how? Do I say it to her face. Do I write a letter. Or maybe I shouldnt do it" i sighed.

"Come on your being dramatic. Just tell her too her face. Or maybe ask her on a 'secret date' and at the end tell her your feelings, its obvious she likes you too"

"Oh?" a deep red blush spread across my face instantly.

"You didnt notice, it was so obvious. Like the way she stares at you at the table when we eat. Or more like all the time-"

"NO please no. " I layed my head in my hands. My ears were becoming hot at the thought.

"Go out and tell her now." She lifted my head up and stared me in the eyes , her stare was terrifying and she knew that. It sent chills down my spine.

"Okay okay, let me arrange my words"

"Right you've got it, now get out of my room and tell her!" She pushed me out the door and shooed me away.

I walked around in circles panicking, for about 5 minutes. My hands began to lightly shake, but I brushed past the matter, Before finally knocking on the door.

Ymirs p.o.v
I hear a knock at the door. I walk towards it thinking who it could be, it was probably riener. I opened the door to see. "Y/n, what's up?" They looked nervous and flustered like hell. Which made them look so adorable. "Okay okay so I've got to tell you something" they fiddled with their fingers looking down. "Why dont we go somewhere first?" I spoke breaking the awkwardness. "Yeah, let's do that." I couldnt tell if they were relaxed or sad. It was a weird expression. "Hey let's go to the top of the wall. Its evening so in about an hour there should be a pretty sunset" she looked up into my eyes. Giving a warm smile.

We finally made it on top of the wall. Now sitting on the edge facing the sun. I grabbed their hand and stared into their beautiful eyes. I could get lost in them. They looked back at me intertwining their fingers with mine , we both blushed and looked away. "So I wanted to say that  like you" I chuckled because I wanted to say the same thing. I looked back at them panicking. I cut them off with a kiss. "Me too" we both smiled and kissed while the sun setting causing a golden shine plastering the scene. It really was the perfect day. We walked back to my room. Holding hands. Once we reached our destination we led on my bed together, holding them tight in my arms, and slowly fell asleep together. It really was the best day.

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