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We were safe.

it's been a month since that incident. And a month of not seeing  ymir she  hasn't come out of her room at all. It pissed me off. I want to see her face again.  I hear a knock at my door it was sasha.

"Heyy y/n. I brought some food for you. Now let's discuss these matters." She started off whispering then got louder by the end.  She plopped herself down on the bed which I sat on.

"So what are we going to do with you both. Neither of you have come down for dinner. What about our meat deal!!" She did her puppy dog eyes.

"I'm sorry! But you brought food now so?" I let a smirk crawl up to the side of my mouth. "You know me too well. Ready 3.. 2.. 1.. GO!" both of us stuffed our faces with the food. Our race gets interrupted. "Uhh sasha I've got to talk to you."  Mikasa was standing in the doorway , looking with a serious face but soon softens looking in my direction. "Oh you guys eating.. let me join you." She walked over and sat opposite us. Creating a circle. "お肉 (meat in japanese) " sasha sang giving it to mikasa.

It was now late. I havent slept in weeks, I didnt eat. Apart from today. I missed ymir sleeping next to me. Her bodie lying next to mine. I missed it so much, and now shes not even coming out her room at all.


"Huh?" I looked up.

"Y/n your crying!?"

"What. No I'm n-" I felt my cheeks. My salty tears running down my face. I didnt realise I was actually crying.


"What wrong!?"

"I'm not sure, guess I havent talked to anyone in some time and I'm happy?" I lied.

"Somethings going on. That's why I came her in the first place."

"What do you mean sasha?"

"Mikasa did you not realise they havent come down for meals or anything!?"

"Oh i-"


They both looked over and I swear I could see a lightbulb over their heads thinking the same thought. Although I didnt know what that thought was..

"Come on let's goo!!"

We walked outside or rather I was dragged outside by the arms.

"What floor is she?"

No reply. I figured it was nothing and let it slide.

"Umm I think the first. Hold on let me think."

Moments later sasha started drooling.

"Sasha!! Stop thinking about meat! You just stuffed your face a minute ago!"  We all laughed at the statement.

"O-oh right!" She that window!!" Sasha pointed at the window above we were standing. It was slightly open. Enough for someone to climb in so maybe not slightly. "Right y/n theres meat in there! So go get it! I'll lift you up." 

"What I'm going to die!!"

"No you wont. Now go get our meat. I promise too share" once again I met up with her puppy dog gaze staring into mine.

"Ugh fine" I rolled my eyes getting ready to be lifted up.

"Ready. 1.. 2.. 3.."  sasha and mikasa lifted me up to reach the window. I grabbed on to the bottom and pulled myslef up and into the room. I sent a thumbs up signaling I was okay. I walked around the room trying to find the 'meat' . Until I hurt a cough in the other room. I froze looking around until i realized something. I was in ymirs room.

Realization (Ymir x reader)Where stories live. Discover now