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We already knew about annie and eren being titan shifters. I felt sorry for eren growing up with him , experiencing the collosel titan attack our village really terrified all of us. And now that eren is a titan. He turned into something he hated and I know he felt that. He seems different after knowing about himself. It's like he lost himself a little.

It was time to set off. I was in squad levi's. Everyone found him scary but to me he's just doing the job he needs too and theres nothing more to it. The way he beat up eren was a bit much but eren explained to us why he did it after mikasa was going batshit crazy.

I looked over at ymir and caught her staring at me. I waved and blew a kiss and getting one in return. "Alright brats let's get a move on."

We were riding for about an hour now slicing titans on the way. Those creatures absolutely disgust me. "Cadet l/n get the one on the right!" Captain levi shouted pointing in the direction.

I shoot my odm gear up and slice the titans neck. No sweat. Catching up with my horse straight after.

After,a long time of riding , killing titans, we got to where we were headed. By the time we got here it was night and everyone was exhausted. "Right brats go up the building we will rest here for the night so stack up on food and get to sleep, also make sure you change guards you never know when those damned titans will attack. Goodnight" levi said as he walked to wherever he was off too.

We all got set up for our night space and ate.

Ymir came into the building and sat next to me.

"Ymir! Your alive!!" I yelled pulling her into a hug, water glazing my eyes.

"Well I wouldnt go without saying goodbye to my dearest y/n now would I?" She replied kissing my cheek a couple times before pressing her lips passionately onto mine. That was one weight lifted from my shoulder.

"Right let's go to sleep idiots!" Ymir snarled a look at reiner who looked shocked.

I walk over to where I placed my things marking my spot. I get under the thin blanket and try to keep warm. I was absolutely freezing.

I couldnt stop shivering. I looked over at where ymir was. And grabbed her attention by whispering her name.

"Ymir!" I whisper yelled.

"Yes my dearest?" She replied back.

"I'm cold!"

I saw a smirk apear on her face. She got up and took her things with her, walking over to where I was. Placing her stuff next to mine.

She put her blanket on top of me and mine. "I'll make you warm" she winked. Getting under and wrapping her arms around my waist. Pulling my closer to her neck. Which I repulsivly muzzled my face into. She was warm.

"Goodnight ymir"

"Goodnight darling"

She kissed my forehead and we both slowly dozed off afterwards.



Everyone got up and immediately ran to the top to get a better view of everything. Holding hands with ymirs. She tightend her grip

"Its going to be okay, I'll protect you!"

I hug ymir pulling her closer to mine.

"Its going to be okay. You'll see. We will all make it out alive. I'm not going to let you die!" She pulled my head closer to her chest. Gently patting my hair. Calming me down. I was terrified. This wasnt supposed to happen. What if we die? What if ymir dies!?

"Y/n-" ymir lifted up my chin staring into my eyes.

"We arnt going to die okay!? Its going to be okay I promise." I nodded in response. Pecking her lips with mine.

To be continued..

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