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"T..that pen is the only memory,my mom left for me"

Jin keeps looking at namjoon hearing that...

Did you throw it to your trash can?? Probably it will be in nearby trash bin now,right?? Do you think they took it already?? Namjoon looks at his watch.


I guess not...it's already 11...they must took it already....sorry mr.jin...namjoon says smiling.

That..Namjoon...jin says raising his hand.

I am sorry for disturbing you in your office hour mr.jin...i apologize..Namjoon bows his head....i will go now then.

Listen to me...jin says again...but before he could say anything...Namjoon almost run away from there...

Jin sighs looking down.

So you were here...

Namjoon turns hearing that,jin was standing a little far.

Namjoon was sitting on a bench outside their university..where they used to spend time before.

Jin says nothing...he walks a few steps & sits beside Namjoon..

Both says nothing for a moment.

Why did you storm out like that earlier? Jin asks.

Namjoon sighs....

You seemed to be busy...i didn't want to disturb you more...already you hate me much...Namjoon smiles.

Jin looks at him.

I don't hate you...actually our relationship didn't build up like that can i hate you....i was a little angry...that doesn't mean i hate you...jin replies.

Same thing for me....told you before i don't want anyone to be angry or sad because of me...Namjoon exclaims.

Jin sighs....

Are you alright?? Jin asks looking ahead.

Yeah...perfectly alright..Namjoon replies smiling.

Jin looks at him.

I thought you are a straight forward guy who doesn't pretend about his true feelings...was i wrong? Jin asks.

Namjoon doesn't reply.


Namjoon looks at jin...& widen his eyes suddenly.

' jin was holding that pen'

" How"! Namjoon says taking in in his hand..." You said you threw it"

Jin fidget his fingers.

I am sorry i lied earlier,though i am a teacher & my lying can force much effect on my students..i was actually venting my anger...i am sorry...

It's alright....Namjoon says brightly smiling....i didn't mind at all mr.jin....thank you....i am feeling like hugging you right now!

Jin widen his eyes....his cheek reddens.

I am gonna beat you if you do so.

Yeah...sorry. Namjoon chuckles.

Jin sighs & looks ahead again..keeps silent for a moment.

Namjoon...jin says.

Yeah mr.jin...namjoon replies.

Don't you think,there's a purpose of your mom giving that pen to you??jin says looking ahead.

Sweet Stranger || Taekook text AU 💜 •• VkookWhere stories live. Discover now