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The moment jimin gets out of the exam Hall.... He runs towards hobi, as fast as he can looking at him giggling....

Not noticing yoongi was standing in a little far, looking at his phone.

Jimin jumps on hobi as soon as he reach him, warping his hands around.. Hobi widen his eyes at first, but scoops him up eventually.

I got everything common!!! Jimin says smiling.....

I wouldn't even pass you didn't teach me last night... He says chuckling.

Hobi smiles.

You got it because you study.... Hobi says softly... I didn't d~~

"You study with hobi?? "

Jimin & hobi turns hearing that, to look at yoongi...

Hobi lets jimin down...then looks at yoongi.

You went to my home to study, why didn't you complete it in there? Yoongi asks frowning.

Hyung... It's just... You~~

Jimin keeps looking down... Can't complete the words saying " you fell asleep without even teaching me".

Me? What? Yoongi asks again.

You were tired... So i thought...

Tired? If i was tired then you should have waken me up later & not go to hobi in the middle of night to study minnie... Do you think i am incapable of teaching you? Yoongi says coldly.

That's not the thing hyung.. Jimin's eyes were soaking up...

If you think like that you shouldn't went to my home to study. You don't wanna learn from me, i don't wanna teach you either..... Don't keep roaming in my home without any reason from now on...

Yoongi says angrily... Everyone around looks at them... Jimin was lowering his head.

Hobi looks at jimin, his tears that were flowing down... His heart sinks low seeing that.

Then looks at Yoongi....

Hey Yoongi, it's not like that... Hobi says softly....

Yoongi looks at him...

I was the one who called minnie... I was stucked in my study... & beg him to help me with it & stud together. He didn't wanna even leave you there . He was telling me you are gonna teach him... I was the stubborn one.... I am sorry...

Hobi says softly.

Yoongi looks at him... Then at jimin..

Dude, you should say that at first... I scolded minnie for nothing.... Yoongi says.

Don't go around calling people at midnight dude... Join us on study instead.... He says warping his hand on hobi's neck...

Hey minnie... Sorry, okay? He casually slaps on jimin's arm.. Who was still lowering his head.

Hobi looks at him for a moment.....

Yoongi you two talk, okay?? I will join you in a moment...

Hobi says glancing at jimin again... & running somewhere....


Yoongi looks behind hearing that...

Tae& jungkook walks towards them..

Wow... The new couple arrived.... Yoongi says chuckling.

Jungkook blush hearing that....

Tae raise his hand for a high five with Yoongi... Then his eyes falls on jimin... He frawns.

Sweet Stranger || Taekook text AU 💜 •• VkookWhere stories live. Discover now