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This is your house???

Namjoon says looking around at mr.jin's house wondering...it was a well furnished home....

Jin looks at him closing the door...he keeps looking at Namjoon carefully so that he doesn't break anything...Namjoon was taking his shoes off...

Yeah..jin replies...

It's beautiful...gosh! It will be so relaxing to play cards in this house...Namjoon says.

That's what is in your mind...jin says sighing helplessly...i wish you had used your brain in your study too...alas...let's get started...

Namjoon & jin sits in jin's living room...Namjoon takes out all his books....he looks at jin...

I forgot my pen...Namjoon says innocently..

& you came to study without any pen...jin says sighing..

Yeah...i think i forgot it at uni...Namjoon says as if he was so worried about his pen..

A few days ago when we were at uni,you said you forgot your pen at home...jin says looking at Namjoon....Namjoon smiles shyly...

Here...jin hands him a pen...let's concentrate on study now..

After 10 minutes...Namjoon starts chewing on his pen...he keeps looking at jin...


Jin looks at him through his glasses..

How much do you earn?? Namjoon asks.

Jin looks down....that's a very personal question kim Namjoon..

Please say na!! Namjoon whines.

Enough to own this house...& maintain my life..jin replies.

That means a lot...that's crazy man..Namjoon says in amazement...

You can do it too...if you study hard & get a job...jin says looking at the papers...

Nah...i like easy way...that's to much Hassell to do...i thought of something...i would marry someone like you....Namjoon says without thinking anything...

Jin looks at Namjoon...what??

What? Namjoon says confusedly...i said the easy way...

Concentrate on your study kim Namjoon...jin says frowning...

Namjoon pouts & again looks down on his book...this time jin feels Namjoon is actually gonna study at last...but...

Mr.jin...namjoon says again...

Jin sighs...

What now?? Jin asks.

You live here alone?? I don't see anyone else...Namjoon says looking around...

My parents live in abroad...my elder brother loves on the other city..jin replies.

How cool...living alone is amazing....i am going to do that too...if my mom allows....do you have any room vacant?? Namjoon asks.

Why would i give you room in my house??jin asks.

Oh come on...don't be like this...we are familiar...you know me..i know you...we have a great bond man! Namjoon says excitedly...

I am not seeing any bond here except you are my student..a very poor student i should say. Who is right now on a probation....mr.jin says helpless...

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