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L..let go tae....

Jungkook says blushing,looking at his hand which was held by tae...they were just in front of classroom...they already got a lot of stares outside...& why not..tae is the prince of this uni...he stands out a lot..

Tae..please...jungkook mumbles again.

Tae looks at him...


W..we can't do this in front of the class...y...you know....jungkook says stiffen...this is a bet...all he has to make tae fall in love with him..but this skinship..it's too much...& rather uncomfortable for him..he can't make tae realize it either...he will lose the bet.

Tae thinks for sometimes...then let go of jungkook's hand..

Okay..tae says smiling...i won't do anything that you won't like...

Jungkook keeps looking at his face for sometimes...thatz the first time he saw tae smiling like that..not a forced smile but a genuine smile on his face...jungkook feels something was beating fast inside him...

He takes his eyes away immediately...

Focus jungkook...you are a man!

I..i am going first...he says looking at tae..

Go ahead..i am gonna go & buy something to drink first...tae says patting on jungkook's head...then turn...& Start walking....

Jungkook keeps looking at him...then sighs & enters classroom...

Everyone turns to look at him..they keeps looking at him silently...jimin yoongi hobi no one was still there..jungkook feels confused...he starts walking towards his place where he usually sits..

But as soon as he reached there..his blood frozen..he keeps looking down at his desk..

On his desk..there's something written on with clay or something dirty..but what was written on,it was worse than everything..

"You gay bastard,you like sucking dick that much?? Slut..stop clinging on our prince..or you will end up getting fucked by men,as you like it so much"

Jungkook trembles looking at it.he feels his head was spinning..he looks around the people scaredly..

Bunch of eyes were glaring at him..some eyes were filled with disgust,some were filled with taunt..some were glaring at him with pity in their eyes..he feels his legs were going numb..

Aish! You cheaters,you cheated when we play..we are not gon~~~

Hobi says entering classroom with Namjoon,jimin & yoongi..but stops suddenly seeing crowd around jungkook's seat..jimin frowns..he walks towards the crowd...others follows him...but everyone widen their eyes when they saw jungkook standing like a lifeless person..

Jimin rush towards him..& holds his hand..

What happened kookie?? Jimin asks worriedly...

Yoongi pats behind Jimin,when jimin looks at yoongi,he points at the desk..

What the fuck....who did this! Jimin says angrily..

Namjoon,hobi,Jimin & yoongi looks around to see them coldly..

Who was it! Namjoon shouts..

Chill bro..what's wrong with what written in there?? Though i am not the onw who wrote it..but it's true...right?? Someone from the crowd said..

Yoongi glares at jungkook...

Watch your mouth...he says coldly to the person said that..

Why should we?? Look..i don't know what you think & why you guys are siding him..but what he did yesterday..was kind of disgusting..tae is kind of in highest in standard.& he is a man..why he would like jungkook..but still jungkook confessed..& it feels like he was throwing himself on tae..we clearly can say tae doesn't like him..he proved in many times..i don't know what you will get from siding him..but what he did,was pretty much disgusting..we~~~

Sweet Stranger || Taekook text AU 💜 •• VkookWhere stories live. Discover now