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Jin looks up namjoon,who already called him like hundred times in between their suddy session...

What now...jin asks.

I was thinking....namjoon says.

Don't think anything...just study...

Jin says looking at the papers again.

Namjoon pouts...you didn't even hear me...

Jin sighs..what is it...

Namjoon smiles...

I was thinking..."what's your ideal type mr.jin"

Jin sighs...

Why do you ask?

I have my purpose...please tell me...namjoon says.

That's a very personal question kim Namjoon...you have to first tell me why are you asking that for?? Jin says looking at him.

Ummm....if i know your ideal type...i will try to make myself into that...to make you like me...Namjoon says straight to the point...

Jin looks at him jolting.

Why do you need me to like you?? Jin asks.

You are rich...you are established...you earn quite a good amount..you live in this big house...you have everything...if you like me...that means other rich people will like me too.in other words i can make them fall in love with me..my life will be settled...Namjoon replies with big smiles...

So that's why you need to know my Ideal type...jin asks frowning.

Yeah?? Namjoon says cluelessly.

Kim Namjoon,if you study hard,you can do all this on your own...right? I told you this before...you can get a job...you can lead a secure life...why are you thinking of depending on someone else?? Jin asks firmly.

I told you before mr.jin...that's too much work to do..study...get a job....i like easy way...Namjoon smiles.

Jin suddenly puts the water bottle beside them harshly...Namjoon jolts looking at him...jin puts the books aside...then stands up...

What happened? Namjoon asks confusedly...

Kim Namjoon...jin turns at Namjoon & looks at him....i don't think you are actually getting what's going on here...you are on prohibition kim Namjoon....uni authority will kick you out if you don't get the marks to pass for...i am working here so that you get that marks at least....but you are wasting your time asking useless questions & thinking how you are gonna depend on someone else...you don't need my tutoring....why you are even here for then?? Jin asks shouting.

Namjoon keeps silent for a moment...

" Because you want me to come "

Jin stops for a second...

Kim Namjoon,if you don't study,there's no reason for you to come here....

You were sad that day,i didn't want to see you like that....i don't like people being sad because of me....Namjoon says looking down.

Jin widen his eyes...that day...he really was sad somehow...he was hoping for something...& he couldn't have it in the last...but how did Namjoon find out...

Go home kim Namjoon...jin says turning...

T..then what about the tutoring?? Namjoon asks.

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