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I am hungry....yoongi says warping his hands around jimin from behind.

Tae & everyone looks at them...

That's why you remember him now?? Namjoon says frowning at yoongi.

What did i do? Yoongi asks looking at Namjoon...

Minnie isn't your property,stop treating him like that...tae says looking at yoongi.

That's when jungkook & hobi enters the cafeteria...

Jungkook gets startled hearing that....he feels something weird...something doesn't feel good inside,hearing tae defending jimin like that....

He frown...hobi & him,walks towards them...

" What is your problem man! I just said i am hungry....why you do this everytime i tell him something...he isn't your property either....douchbag.." Yoongi says frowning.

What the fuck did you say??tae says standing up,walking closer to yoongi.

Everyone around was crowding sensing some fight gonna happen.

Jimin was panicking looking at them...he was trying to stop them right there...

I said what the fuck is your problem?? I am seeing this for somedays...everytime it's something related to jimin...you just burst out...what the fuck man! That's none of your business....yoongi says coldly..

Suddenly tae grabs yoongi's collar...

Jungkook holts seeing tae that angry...he never been this angry before...not on a friend at least...

That's my fucking business...he is my b~~

Tae don't...jimin says tae pushing a little away from yoongi....hobi grabs tae from behind...

You won't do anything...i am telling you...won't you listen to me?? Jimin says looking at tae,pleading....

Tae was looking at him with burning eyes...yoongi also looking at him coldly....

Jungkook was death worried & scared right now what tae will do now....

But he gets startled seeing tae looking at jimin...& calming down afterwards in a minute....

He suddenly feels a pung inside him....why this man jimin holds so much power that calms tae listen to everything he says?? This was pissing him off...

This man here saved you today...tae scoffs pointing at jimin......then looks at hobi...

Let go....

Tae says convincing hobi enough that he won't jump on yoongi anymore....hobi lets go off him....

Tae doesn't feel like eating anymore....jungkook was standing there,silently looking at him..

Tae starts walking towards the door...but before that...jungkook holts when tae suddenly holds jungkook's hand...& starts walking taking jungkook along with him....

Everyone around starts gossiping looking at them...it's not a usual sight,their prince holding someone's hand like that...

Jungkook looks at their holding hands....his heart was beating like hell....he was feeling a little amused too...but why...?

Jimin feels reassured....he then looks at yoongi....

" Hyung,can't you stop talking to tae like that??" Jimin says requesting.

Yoongi looks at him frowning.

It's not that i want to fight...he is my friend too..i don't want any fight in between us...but he never listen anything....just brusts out....how long i am gonna keep silent?? Yoongi says in irritation...

Sweet Stranger || Taekook text AU 💜 •• VkookWhere stories live. Discover now