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Jungkook puts his phone down...he was literally pissed not only on the stranger also at Namjoon who was continuously poking him from behind saying, kookie u have a pen?? Kookie u have book and so on.....they were in class right now.....joonie hyung...! Stop it right now....he says annoyed....

Namjoon gives a confused look...ehat did i done??? He scratches his head...joonie...don't irritates him...tae says to Namjoon....

Jungkook turns back...did i ask ur help?? Jungkook frowned his eyebrows in irritation......no but i will surely help my baby...right??? Tae winks.....

Who is your baby..dream on bitch.....jungkook shows middle finger.

Tae smriks...he feels fun to teach kookie irritated...he feels more amazed how kookie will react if he finds out that person is none other than tae himself..he will be pissed..right??? But he looks so adorable when he gets pissed.....tae smiles..

Hey dummy...why are u smiling...jimin asks tae....u did something again...didn't u....tae smirks at him....he shows jimin  his conversation with jungkook....

Yo tae...!!! You are insane...he will be mad if he finds out..you bully him all the time..if he find out u sent him text..u will be insanely pissed....jimin says worriedly.

Yeah..i know...tae sighs...but it is the only way to make him talk to me...u know...he never talks to me..i don't know why but from the beginning i can see hatered in his eyes for me.he never talks to me in a good way.that hurts.....i fell in love when i saw him first...but....he hates me...so i like to irritate him...at least in response...he talks back...tae smiles looking at jimin..

Jimin sighs...poor boy..he mutters....

Hey u two...yoongi says from behind...stop blabbering...um trying to sleep....he says in irritation...

Hyung...u are in class....don't sleep...the teacher will find u.....

But you didn't let me sleep whole night yesterday...yoongi whines...[ what he meant was the played video game whole night]

Yoongi was a bit loud...jungkook,hoseok,Namjoon,taehyung,jimine everyone turns to look at him...

Namjoon : what???!!!! 😲
Hoseok    : gossip 😻
Taehyung : really jimine?? You didn't
                     tell your best friend!!!!😠

Jungkook : ahhh! Gross!!!!!
Jimin         :  🤐🤒😶

Ahh!!! You doorks...stop it...i meant we played game whole night...he explain....

what kinda game??? That game u play in the bed??? Hoseok winks........

yeah!!! U want to experience that too!!!! Yoongi says in anger try to hit hoseok on hus bicep....

Yeah baby....let me experience that...hoseok replies jokingly in a seductive manner.....

ahh gross!!!! Jungkook says again..

Shut up Hoseok...don't touch him...jimin defends yoongi......

awww!!! Jimine baby gets jealous....hoseok says sarcastically.....jimin blushes so hard....

Hisssss....!!!! Yoongi response in irritation looking at hoseok..they were noisy...

Hey you guys from last row..Stand up!!!!

Everyone stands up except jungkook..

Jungkook...u too...teacher corrects himself....

Jungkook stands confused....what did i Do mr.Jin!!!!!

All of you...out from my class...

But mr.jin....i....jungkook mutters.

Out..right now..

They all comes out from class & stands against the wall of their class still.

Namjoon hoseok taehyung jimin all looks at each other for some times....

Then brusts into laughter together loud...

Aghhhhhhh.....jungkook gets pissed again.

jungkook gets pissed again

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Sweet Stranger || Taekook text AU 💜 •• VkookWhere stories live. Discover now