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Hey!!! Kookie can i eat you with tea!!!!! Tae shouts from the middle of cafeteria...everyone looks at jungkook....they smiles loudly....

Ahh....jungkook was really pissed at tae right now....what the fuck tae....what's your problem!!!!..why are you calling me that!!!..he yells back...he can't stand the stupidity of tae...

What??? I just claims my desire....tae smirks...fine..then you eat here...um out.....jungkook leaves the cafeteria without eating anything in anger....

Tae!!!! Jimin looks at tae with disappointment....what??? I was just kidding...tae says in defense....you should go after him...he didn't eat anything.....hoseok replies....

Ah...okay...um going..don't give me that look u guys...tae runs for jungkook......

Jungkook was now sitting outside in a bench outside their uni....



No reply....jungkook looks at his phone for a reply for some time.then puts down his phone beside him


Jungkook looks at his phone...

                                        Fucking tae

                               Oh my god!u texted
                                today first!um
                                 are you okay kookie


Nothing..just wanted
to talk with someone.

                                      Fucking tae

                               What happened babe
                              U know u can talk to
                               me about anything.


Um...then i will
tell you.u know,
there is a boy in
ourr class..he
Always bullies
me.he does
everything to piss
me off...i don't
get it.why he always
do this to me...i think
he hates me...

                                  Fucking tae

                            Hey babe,no one can
                           possibly hate u.u are
                           So cute...i think there
                           Is a reason behind he is
                           doing so.did u ever ask
                           why he was irritating
                            U??? People irritates
                           those person whom
                            They love actually..i
                             think that person likes


Love!!!!& tae!!!!
U know i never
Laugh so hard
Before.tae can't
Love anyone.
I don't he has a
Heart to love someone.
But..thanks to make
me laugh..that was really
Helping to make
Me cheer...

Jungkook doesn't get any text for sometimes....


                                 Fucking tae

                          Um glad i make u smile.
                          I have to go now...take

Jungkook could feel something was off today with his this unknown friend....he looks at his phone confusedly.


Jungkook looks at the person standing behind him...

What are u doing here tae...he says in a cold voice...u...u didn't eat anything because of me..so i brought u these...tae puts his own handmade bento box...he woke up early in the morning to cook for jungkook today....

I don't need it...jungkook says bluntly....plz eat....tae says in a pleading voice.....i don't want to!!!!....jungkook pushes the box forcefully....the box landed in the floor destroy all the food inside....tae looks at the box sadly....he was heartbroken right now....jungkook didn't actually want to throw it...it was an accident...

Tae...i...he says in a awkward voice...

Umm.i will leave u alone then jungkook....tae says without looking at jungkook...then starts to run....

Jungkook feels guilty right now....there was no need to push it...i can simply say no....jungkook murmurs.....

Then he stands up...& start to walk towards the road tae run some times ago....

He was looking for tae....he looks here & there....then he hears someone talking to a girl behind the uni.jungkook approaches near them hiding himself,he thought if tae was there...

Tae....i love u.....

What!!!!!!...jungkook hears tae's name from that girl & looks at the person she was talking to....

U love me,huh????

But i love someone else.....tae replies.

What????? Tae loves someone...but whom????? Jungkook thinks in mind.

Plz tae...give me a chance...that girl pleads..if u want...i can give u everything....including...including my body...that girl says in a seductive voice.

Body??? Body u say??? U mean sex?


Let's do it....

Let's do it

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