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[ hey guys i am updating this story after a long time...i wasn't sure if it would continue it or not...still not sure though....so..um...i don't know...let's continue it for a while...]

Next day at school

Jungkook was sitting on his seat looking down on his desk at a bento box he made for tae today.......he was feeling guilty what he did yesterday with tae..tae was probably just want him to eat his bento..but all he did.....sigh....jungkook was feeling really bad from yesterday....and....he was not able to forget that sight of tae & that girl...umm....Having sex in that isolated place....

Aghh!!!!! Jungkook grabs his hair in frustration...i don't like this!!!! I don't like this!!!!!!!!..why he was doing that with that girl...!!!is he insane or what!!! That was a fucking public place...but thatz not the problem here...why that pervert was doing something like that to that girl on the first place...i just want to punch him real hard right now....but....wait!!!!!!!!! Why am i bothered if he had sex or not??? Thatz not my business on the first place...then why am i angry???? Did...did that unknown (?) Tae's words are true....did i..did i...jungkook widen his eyes...

Do i have feelings for kim Taehyung!!!!!

Agh!!!!! He again clench on his hair...jeon Jungkook...are you fucking nuts...how can you...ahhh!!!! How can you have feelings for that spoiled pervert rude shameless taehyung?? I am probably thinking this because of that tae's texts..his texts are probably effecting on my mind...yeah..thatz it...Jungkook start smiling insanely...that's tha case...

On the other hand...Namjoon..hoseok..jimin & yoongi was looking at him suspiciously while eating chips...

Dude...hoseok says frowning his eyes....

Is he gone mad or what??? Why he is pulling his hair one time in anger..& starts smiling like an idiot right after that?? Hoseok puts a chips in his mouth..

Because he is an idiot....Yoongi replies looking at him like he will start beating him in any moment....can i beat him now?? He says looking at jimin...

Shhh!!!! What are you saying!!! Jimin replies...i think something is bothering him...

I never understand this dude...what gotten into him....he is like that from yesterday...

I don't know...i just want to beat someone...can i beat him now??? Yoongi says irritated...

Everyone looks at him...

Shut up...

They replies in sync...

At that moment tae enters in the class holding a girl in her waist...they were really intimate that it makes others to shout & make funny noises....tae looks at others & smiles...

Gulp....jungkook chokes on...a new girl?? After having sex with that girl yesterday..he found a new girl that soon....jungkook clench on his fist..he was totally not enjoying tae being intimate with that girl...

That girl was from another class...so it was her time for leaving...

Bye babe...that girl kiss on tae's cheek...

Bye baby..i will see you after my class...wait for me behind the uni...tae says smiling cocky....that girl understands what tae meant...& Jungkook understood it too...he knows what place & exactly what tae was talking about...he had been there yesterday when they were having se~.............aghhh....he doesn't want to think about that anymore...

Jungkook was looking at tae with hopefully...he almost talked to tae when tae walks towards him..tae's seat was just behind him...but he feels disappointed when tae cross him & sits behind Yoongi on the back row...

Sweet Stranger || Taekook text AU 💜 •• VkookWhere stories live. Discover now