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I will be your boyfriend...

Jungkook's face brightens up hearing that..his plan is being successful..he is gonna win this bet in no time now...


He looks at tae confusedly...


You have to follow some conditions i have..tae says looking at him..

I have to follow some conditions?? Jungkook says frowning...

Yeah? I don't believe that you fell for me..so you have to make me realize it..remember??

Jungkook scratch his head...yeah...right...so what do i have to do??

Tae keeps silent..

Starting From tomorrow..everyday you have to wait for me before class..i am gonna pick you up from your home...by every day..i meant everyday..tae says smiling a bit..

What?? I have to see him early in the morning everyday!!! What the fuck...no!! Jungkook says in mind..

B..but tae...you know...i am a boy...right?? Picking me up from my home..it kinda girly thing....jungkook says trying to act together...

& you said you are gonna do prove yourself..& fell for me...you can't even do it...then how you are supposed to work hard to make me believe...i am giving you one month to prove yourself...to make me believe...you can't do that?? Are you sure you fell for me??

N..noooo...he can't lose it..jungkook says in mind...he have to accept every conditions this idiot offers...because thatz how he can prove everyone he is not a Lackey of kim taehyung..he is jeon Jungkook...he can bring kim taehyung on his knees if he want to...

Okay!! I accept..i am gonna wait for you..we are gonna come at uni together...then?? Jungkook asks expectedly..

Umm...then..let me think first what's gonna come next...but before all...try to know me a little jeon..if we are gonna go through this...we have to know each other...let's start a fresh...i know everything about you..but you know nothing about me...try with knowing me first...

Jungkook frowns hearing that..how do you know everything about me??

Tae doesn't reply anything..just smiles...

& you said to know you first...jungkook says scoffing...

Tae sighs...then looks at jungkook...

Jeon...i am kim taehyung...remember?? I know everything...

Yeah yeah...right..jungkook says nodding sarcastically...

Okay...jokes apart...tae turns at jungkook...then stretches his hand...

As we are starting a fresh...that means we are strangers now...let's start with the introduction...

"Hey 'sweet stranger'..i am kim taehyung..what's your name??"

Unknowingly jungkook smiles seeing that tae can be act cute too...he stretches his hand...

I am jeon Jungkook..nice to meet you...

Nice to meet you too...now that we introduced each other..we not stranger anymore...i am really looking forward to the next month...let's try together jeon...let's find these feelings are true or not...tae says softly..

Just one month jungkook..you just have to bear him for one month...then he is gonna fuck away...so just endure it...jungkook thinks..but says opposite..

Yeah tae..i will give my best to make you realize i like you..no...i love you....

Tae widen his eyes hearing that....then a bright smile appears on his lips...

I still don't believe you..but hearing you saying that..feels good....

Yeah...asshole...jungkook thinks & express it with a bright smile..
Catch it..

Hobi throws a packet towards jimin....jimin catches it in reflex....

Good catch jiminie....hobi says sitting beside jimin...yoongi was still sleeping..

What is it hyung??

Hobi takes a sip from his soda can...

Sandwich & your favorite drink...you couldn't go for lunch because of this sleeping dickhead...so i brought something for you..

Jimin smiles looking at him brightly..

Don't smiles at me like that...my heart can't take it...hobi says avoiding his eyes...

You like me a lot..don't you??jimin says innocently chuckling,looking at hobi.....hobi takes his eyes away immediately....

Who like you...i don't like you...hobi murmurs...

Aish!! You two & your nonsense....yoongi says waking up...he rubs on his forehead...then looks at jimin who almost bite on his sandwich...

Hey jiminie...you are eating alone?? You didn't buy mine....

Hobi grinds his teeth...

You are the person who didn't even let him go when it was time for lunch...he didn't even eat anything yet....hobi says in mind...


Yeah hyung...this is yours...you eat it...

Jimin says stretching his hand...


Jimin holds hobi's hand to stop him...

It's okay hyung....jimin says murmuring....hobi looks at him first...then looks at yoongi...

Asshole...at least say thank you to him??

Why should i say thank you?? He always do this for me..thatz what friends are for...yoongi says looking at jimin...the grabs his drink from his hand....takes a sip...& makes his face in disgust immediately....

Eww...how can this be your favorite drink...too sweet...hold it...i don't need it...

Y..you....hobi clenched his fist...

H..hyung...it's alright..jimin says softly...

Hobi keeps looking at his for sometimes...

" It's not alright jimin..it never can be alright "

Sweet Stranger || Taekook text AU 💜 •• VkookWhere stories live. Discover now