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(10 days later)

It's been 10 days already. Everything has been normal so far.jungkook makes bento for tae everyday. Tae picks him up from his home,with a rose in his hand.

They found a place to each lunch together. Where those two only eat lunch. No one picks at them,no one passes any comment. Or no one spare jungkook some death glares....& obviously if they do..in front tae's glare,they always some how curls up.....jungkook doesn't know why,every time tae gets on his side to protect him & shouts at all...jungkook somehow feels....secure?? Proud??

Most surprising part is...these days...jungkook doesn't even remember the bet thing..tae is so good to him that he even wonder tae bullied him ever. Tae is really trying. His sincerity shows in his actions. Something has changed in him. That something...jungkook doesn't hate....more accurately....he likes it...or...loves it??

Jungkook puts headphone down from his ear..tae was listening to something on it a while ago...then put it on jungkook's ear,when someone said dean wants to see tae..from then,jungkook is hearing that music earlier.....it's a good song actually...."sweet night "....there's something magical in this song..the more you listen to it...you want more...

But jungkook frowns realizing it's been a long tae went for the dean. Is he surrounded by the girls again??

Jungkook stands up from his place...then comes out of the class..

He looks around. But tae was nowhere. He decides to go around the Dean's office....

When then walks around sneakily,he finds no one but some students in different places there..but no sign of tae..he keeps walking....

Suddenly jolts when he comes near the janitor's room & someone holds his hand.

Jungkook looks at that person...but suddenly blushes...he doesn't know why.

You were looking for me? Tae says smiling.

W..who were looking for you..i was just walking....

The direction you were walking....there's a wall in front...tae chuckles...

Jungkook bites his tongue in embarrassment....

Tae comes one step closer....jungkook jolts...red tint spreads on his cheek...

He tries to take a step back..but tae comes more closer..

Admit it..you missed me..tae chuckles whispering.

W...who missed you...i di~~

He stops hearing some footsteps coming towards them...tae looks at there too....

We s..should g~~

Before jungkook finished...tae holds his hand.& takes him to inside the janitors room..closing the door behind.

They stands in front the door..

Why are we here...jungkook asks.

It will be bad if they see us..

Hmm...jungkook hums..then lean on the door...looking from its hole if those people are stil there..

Do you think they are still here...how long we have to hide? Wait!! Why are we hiding...we don't ha~~

Jungkook widen his eyes suddenly...when he realize...tae is standing so close...jungkook could even feel his breath behind him...jungkook shivers suddenly...

Tae comes more closer...

W..what are you doing....jungkook shutters..

What am i doing?? Tae says sheepishly,sliding his hand on jungkook's waist....

Sweet Stranger || Taekook text AU 💜 •• VkookWhere stories live. Discover now