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Be my boyfriend.....

A thud loud sound can be heard from behind...as water bottle falls from namjoon's hand & drops on the floor dramatically....but it was a matter of fact to react that way because this type of thing they are not used to...& obviously not from jungkook...

Every girls who have crush on tae or crush on jungkook looks at them frowning...& boys were with mixed emotions...yoongi wakes up from sleep & looks around him frowning...it was pin drop silence remaining in their class...

"Did someone die? "

No one laughs today because all of their focus was on tae & jungkook right now...only jimin's face brightens up hearing that...at last...at last his best friend is going to have all this years he has cherished for...

Tae was looking at jungkook with a stern look...


Jungkook looks at him hopefully hearing tae calling his name...

Yes tae...he replies...

Where's the camera??

Jungkook looks at him blankly trying to understand what he was talking about...

What camera? He asks...

It's a prank going on here...so there have to be some camera somewhere..tae replies with a straight face...

Girls were laughing hearing that...

There's no camera....he murmurs...

Jeon..if you are done..please leave..i am not in the mood to talking to you right now...

Jungkook looks at him sadly..

Can't we talk?? Let's go outside & have a talk..let me explain everything well..

Wasn't that enough that you said yesterday? Tae says directly looking at his eyes...& jungkook feels a pung inside because there is only anger on those eyes...& something else...that he can't identify...

Why are you here actually?? Where's all your new friends today?? They aren't here?? Or they are the one who sent you to prank me?? Tae says firmly...

Jungkook gulps hearing that...how can he assume this much...did he hear something yesterday?? But he wasn't there when they were talking..if tae knows...everything will go on vein...he will lose this bet...but then...if he knows...he would definitely bring it up...or says something about it...as he isn't...that means he is only assuming...in that case...bet is still on..

Jungkook thinks a lot of that in his mind....

Jimin was frowning hearing tae's words..what the heck happened yesterday after he left...

Tae it's not that..hear me...jungkook tries to talk...

What!! With a loud bang tae stands up from his place...

What there's more to talk about?? You are telling me you have duality?? You changed over night? You fallen in love with the person you called slut yesterday??

Jimin gasps hearing that...jungkook called tae what???

Jungkook was looking down silently...

What jeon?? You actually came here to call me some other names...right?? Go on..i am all ears now...tae throws his headphone outside the window....look..my all focus is on you right now...call me...why are you silent?? Tell me what am i?? Tell me i don't know how to love...tell me i am a feeling less person...call me a slut again..cause thatz what you think of me...then why this being boyfriend game??you want to prank me that much???

Sweet Stranger || Taekook text AU 💜 •• VkookWhere stories live. Discover now