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Are you kidding me??

Jungkook says looking at kris...

He is a straight man...he likes girls...& everyone knows that...why he will fall for a man like me??

Kris smirks..

That's the catch man...if you can make a straight guy like him fall for you..don't you think you will be superior than him then?? He will fall for you..badly...then you will tell him in front of all that you don't love him...who will be the powerful one then man?? You! He will be dying for you...but you will reject him...he will be defeated..& you will win...over everyone...he humiliates you...right?? But you can do more than that to him...you will be more powerful...kris says winking at others...they starts hyping jungkook..

But man...still~~

Then if you wanna be a scaredy cat & piss your pants everytime he orders you,you can be that...i thought you were more capable than that jungkook..i thought i should help you with this..but you decided to be his Lackey...then keep following his orders & be his Lackey...

Jungkook's blood suddenly boils hearing that...

He stands up from his place....

Who is his Lackey!!! Okay...i bet with you guys...i am gonna make taehyung fall for me...i am definitely gonna do that..he will fall for me badly....then.....i will ditch him...i will tell this whole world who is superior..he will beg on my knees..i will make him like that...just make my words...

Jungkook says wobbling....

Kris smiles brightly hearing that...then stretch beer mug towards jungkook...

"Cheers to our superior jungkook"

Jungkook takes that mug...& gulps the drink at once...
Tae was standing outside Freddy's house...hobi & Namjoon already left as Namjoon got real wasted...hobi took him back...

But tae couldn't leave...not without jungkook...he knows he gets wasted soon...he can't leave him like that...he has to take him home...otherwise he will be worried for him whole night...

He looks ahead hearing some voices....

Man...are you really going to drive this shit to his place?? A boy says looking at kris pointing at jungkook who was totally wasted right now.

Are you nuts?? Leave him to the road...who will drive him...kris smirks...

Tae clenched his fist hearing that...

He walks towards them & push kris harshly away from jungkook...jungkook imbalance & falls on tae...

What the fuck dude...kris says looking at tae..

Stop fucking around & stop saying bullshit about him...otherwise i am gonna rip your throat...tae says coldly..

Hey!! Chill man...we don't have any interest in your Lackey...take him with you...we don't want any trouble here...kris replies...

Tae gives them a death glare...then puts jungkook's hand around his shoulder...& takes him towards his car...

He opens his car door & carefully put jungkook on the front seat...he puts his seatbelt on...then he goes other side...& starts his car...
Sorry eomma...to wake you up this late...

Tae says looking at mrs.jeon...

Why are you saying sorry when you are bringing this wasted brat back?? Mrs.jeon replies...he will surely get a beat because of this...

Sweet Stranger || Taekook text AU 💜 •• VkookWhere stories live. Discover now