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"You are studying this early???"

Namjoon turns hearing that, looking at the person with sleepy fluffy eyes...

Who said i slept last night? He scoffs replying...

You too, couldn't sleep last night, hobi?

You know, those two.... Hobi sighs...

Yeah... Those inconsiderate morons.. Namjoon sighs too...

I can see you are taking your study very seriously... Hobi chuckles.

We all should. Study is really important for a student. It's the way to shine in future.

Namjoon replies quickly....

&? Hobi asks raising one eyebrow...

& if i get 90%, mr. Jin is gonna go on a date with me...

Namjoon chuckles...

Here we go, the real reason... Hobi smirks...

You are sure you can get 90%, that's pretty high level, u know.. Hobi asks sitting beside.

Someone told me i can do it if i put my mind into it... Namjoon says in confidence..

& that someone is obviously mr. Jin?? Hobi chuckles...

Who can be this wise except him?? Namjoon replies quickly...

You wooing on only ' one person ' is really unusual...

Hobi leans on the railing, looking ahead on the snowy covered road at far..

How serious are you, by the way?

Namjoon keeps silent a second..

I am quite serious this time... He replies firmly..

Wow.. Another rare thing to hear from you... But... Why? This is like.. You are going totally out of your way or becoming a totally different person.... What's the reason... Hobi asks again..

You know i am always like this.. Namjoon says..

No... You know what i meant... Hobi says.. Taking up the coffee cup resting beside Namjoon... He takes a sip from it looking ahead..

You know hobi... Namjoon says looking ahead too..

Hobi takes another sip without saying anything..

" i think i slept with mr. Jin"

Before Namjoon could even finish his words properly, his whole face splash with the coffee out of hobi's mouth.. It keeps dripping from hobi's lips.. He keeps looking at Namjoon as he saw some ghost..

Namjoon grit his teeth, then looks at hobi with a fake smile..

You want a beating...? He asks smiling..

Dude.. Mr. Jin... Hobi says in disbelief..

Yeah.. Mr. Jin.. Namjoon says wiping his face..

You.. You slept with.. Mr. Jin? Hobi asks again..Namjoon sighs this time..

I might have...

You sure? It was mr. Jin you slept with? Hobi says widening his eyes... Namjoon looks at him..

He is a whole ass man.. I am not a kid who can't recognize after sleeping with him.. & i was at his home to add on.. Dumbo.. Namjoon completes..

That's the thing dude! A whole ass man! You don't like man.. Or that's what i thought till now.. You were roaming around mature ladies a while ago too... Now you slept with mr. Jin.. & not any other man... Mr. Jin!! He can eat you raw alive if he gets angry..

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2023 ⏰

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