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A/N: I stayed up for six and a half hours drawing that picture in the media.

Dear journal,

I am currently sitting on the oh so familiar white butt chair in my oh so adorable, uh, friend's (???) room. He is currently sleeping, oh so adorably. So, lemme tell you about my day.

Dan and I awoke this morning to the sound of sausage cooking and Sharpie fumes. Without opening my eyes I said, "Phillip Michael Lester, if you draw on mine or Dan's face with Sharpies, I will personally become a criminal and murder you, leaving no trace evidence or witnesses." I heard Phil's footsteps as he shuffled towards the door a bit.

"Does that include me?" Dan asked, his voice muffled by the duvet.

"Yes. I will kill you both. And if anybody else in this house is listening in, death is in your near future. Just a warning. I may be a descendent of the little girl from the Ring." Dan sat up quickly, staring at me intently, as if he was waiting for me to take what I said back.

"Joking," I said, as if it was even necessary. "Now cuddle with me. And Phil, I love you like my own brother, but I really need you to leave the room." He saluted.

"You got it, Captain," he said as he walked away, shutting the door behind him. Dan laid back against his pillow, facing me. He smiled, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me into a quick kiss.

"So," he began, looking me straight in the eyes, "what are we doing today?" I thought for a moment.

"Well, I know for a fact that Phil and you are staying here today, and that the other three all have to work the same shift at work, so...probably play video games, browse the Interweb, and possibly make a new video. I already uploaded the other one we made."

"Well, I have a feeling Phil will probably be wanting to hang out with Chris today. He's been staying at a hotel about a twenty minute walk away. We haven't hung out with him for awhile. So it'll probably just be us." His eyes lingered on my lips for a few seconds before flicking back up to my eyes. I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck, watching Dan squirm at the slight touch. I smiled, pressing my lips to his, feeling him kiss back and smile. He broke the kiss, bringing his gorgeous pink lips to my ear.

"You do realize that we are both only a few pieces of clothing away from being completely naked?" I smirked, bringing my lips to his ear.

"Be happy with what you have, you aren't getting anything more." I bit his ear lobe lightly, happy with the fact that he wasn't wearing his gauges. I pulled away from his ear and pecked his lips, jumping out of bed and throwing on my pajamas from last night. Dan, who was pouting, also got out of bed and put on his own pajamas, smiling when I slipped my hand into to his and pulling him out the door. We were greeted by a guilty looking Phil, Sharpies placed on the countertop by the refrigerator. I glared at him intensely, daring him to say something. Instead, he placed two mugs of hot chocolate on the counter, instantly causing a small wave of memories to flash into my mind.

My father, a week before he died in that damn car crash, slipping his cozy red jumper over my long sleeve and handing me a nice big mug of hot chocolate. The second memory, something I only read about, was Dan and Phil and I in my kitchen, drinking hot chocolate. The same hot chocolate that seemed to be sitting right in front of me.

"You okay?" Dan asked, wrapping an arm around my waist. I snapped my head over and took in his worried expression. I flashed him a fake smile, one that he could obviously see through, and sent him a silent message, 'later'. He seemed to understand, as he dropped the subject, sipping his drink. I did the same, looking over at Phil, who was studying us with great care.

Diary Of A Lovesick, Immature, Slightly Depressed Fangirl (A Dan Howell Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now