Bath time~ Jeongchang

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genRe: fluff fluff and more fluff  

plot summARy: Little Jeongin doesn't want to take a bath

possiBle tw: none

(A/N) caregiver: changbin   little: jeongin


3rd person POV

"Jeongin! Get back here!" Changbin yells out at the little. Jeongin had been refusing to take a bath for three days and every time Changbin would try to get him in the water he would run away. The little stuck his tongue out at his caregiver and continued running around their apartment. Changbin groaned but continued chasing the little who at the moment was only wearing a nappy and a blue singlet. Jeongin ran into the kitchen and around the kitchen island. Changbin ran around the right side and Jeongin ran out the left side.

"Yah! Come back here!" The caregiver yelled out. Jeongin was clearly enjoying this and every time Changbin would yell he would giggle with excitement.

"You can't catch me daddy!" The little said as he ran to the tv room. Changbin was considering giving up at this point but he knew the younger needed a bath. Jeongin jumped on the couch and stood on the cushions, teasing his caregiver.

"I bet you can't catch me daddy. You're too slow! Grandpa~" Jeongin says. Changbin ran towards the little who quickly jumped off of the couch and ran out the door towards their bedroom. Changbin sighed out and just threw himself on the couch. How was he going to get Jeongin to take a bath?

Changbin sat up and went to find Jeongin. He couldn't give up because the little really needed a bath. He sat up and got off of the couch and headed to the bedroom. "Innie baby~" Changbin called out. Jeongin was hiding under a pink blanket and giggling. The caregiver decided to play along. "Hm... I wonder where could he be?" Changbin asked out loud in a silly voice. "Is he... under the bed?" He said loudly, ducking his head to check under the bed. "No... Is he behind the door?" Changbin checked as giggles were escaping Jeongin's mouth. "Oh I know where he is! He's under the blankie!" The elder said happily and swooped Jeongin up in his arms from under the blanket.

"That was fun daddy!" Jeongin said while clapping his hands together. Changbin nodded and gave the boy a peck on the cheek. Jeongin was settled on Changbin's hip now and the elder was gently bouncing him up and down.

"Yes very fun baby. But now it's bath time!" The caregiver tells the little. Jeongin's happy face drops to a pout.

"No daddy! Don't wanna." Jeongin tells him with a tiny frown.

"Okay how about this baby? I can give you a bath bomb and then after bath time we can cuddle and watch whatever show you want." Changbin says attempting to bribe the younger into having a bath. Jeongin looks in thought for a second before clapping his hands again.

"Otay daddy!" Jeongin says with a slight lisp. Changbin smiles in relief and walks to the washroom to run a bath. He sits Jeongin onto the closed toilet seat.

"Stay here baby boy. Daddy is gonna run a bath." Changbin tells him. Jeongin nods and starts playing with his hands. Changbin starts running the water, making sure it's not too hot. Once the bath is filled with water Changbin picks up his little. "What bath bomb do you want sweetheart?" Jeongin looks at all the options and points to a lavender scented one. 

"Alrighty baby

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"Alrighty baby. I'm gonna put the bomb in and you can watch it while I undress you." Changbin tells the younger. Jeongin's eyes get big and his bottom lip starts to quiver.

"B-bomb? There's a bomb?!" The little yells out in confusion. Changbin realizes his mistake and rushes to comfort Jeongin.

"Not a real bomb baby. A bath bomb. Bath bomb." He tells the little quickly.

"Oh right~ I thought you meant a real bomb daddy!" Jeongin tells his caregiver while giggling at his daddy's silliness.

"No no. Not real baby. Daddy just made a silly mistake." Changbin tells the little. The elder grabs the bath bomb and plops it in the water. He then starts to undress Jeongin as the younger stares at the bath bomb in awe. No matter how many times they used bath bombs the little always thought they were so cool. Now that Changbin had removed the little's clothes he picked him up and placed him into the water. The little giggled and poked the bath bomb with his finger.

"Let's clean your hair baby." Changbin says and grabs a bottle of vanilla scented shampoo. The elder scrubs the shampoo into Jeongin's hair, being careful to not get any in his eyes. The younger wasn't really paying attention to what his caregiver was doing and was mainly just staring at the bath bomb fizzing in the water. Changbin grabbed a bowl that he keeps in the cabinet under the sink. He dipped it into the bath and it collected water. "I'm gonna wash the shampoo out of your hair now." The caregiver tells Jeongin.

"Otay otay!" Jeongin says finally stopping staring at the bath bomb. Chngbin carefully dumps some of the water onto the little's hair and scrubs out the shampoo. After a few rounds of doing that Jeongin's hair was cleared of shampoo, and now smelled like vanilla. The caregiver put the bowl back under the sink and then grabbed a bottle of body wash.

"Almost done baby! Just have to clean your body with the soapy soap." Changbin says to the little trying to get him to cooperate with this part. Jeongin always hated this part of bath time. Luckily today the little was cooperative and just nodded. The caregiver quickly cleaned the little and made sure all the soap was off. After all this it had been about 20 minutes and the bath bomb was completely done, causing the water to appear purple. "All done baby boy!" Changbin says to the little. "Ready for a fluffy towel?" He asks the little.

"Yes daddy!" Jeongin says happily. Changbin quickly goes and takes two towels. He lays one on the floor and slowly helps the boy out of the purple water. Jeongin stands on the towel, wet and shivering. Changbin quickly wraps Jeongin in the fluffy white towel and dries the boy off. Jeongin's hair when it's wet is long enough to tie up which helps stop the water dripping down his back. So Changbin grabs a hair elastic and ties the little's hair up in a tiny bun. The little was completely dry now and Changbin picked him up and brought him to the bedroom. He sat on the edge of the bed, holding the towel around him. The caregiver went to get some body cream and he rubbed that on the little's thighs and back. Once that was over he got Jeongin one of his hoodies which would be quite oversized on the boy    (A/N I know Changbin is shorter and smaller than Jeongin just let me dream!!! 😤)    and a new nappy. Changbin took the towel from the younger and put him in the nappy, then zipped him up in the hoodie. Jeongin giggled as he slapped his caregiver with the oversized sleeves.

"No no no baby. No hitting daddy!" Changbin says to the younger a silly voice. Jeongin laughs but does stop hitting Changbin.

"Cuddles now daddy? Please?" Jeongin asks the elder. Changbin smiles.

"Yes cuddle time now baby." The little cheered and ran to the living room, plopping himself on the couch. Changbin could only laugh at the younger and wonder how he could get so lucky.

"You coming daddy?"

"Yes sweetheart!"


not edited. just wanted to write something fluffy! hope y'all liked it and plz don't forget to vote and comment <3 

-Author Chan🌸 

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