Taken pt2~ JeonginxSKZ

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read part one first please. btw srry this took so long to write and publish, i'm trying to not force myself to write things all the time because then it stresses me out more. Anyways hope y'all like it <3 (also thank u so much for 1K i appreciate u guys so much! thank chu!) 


3rd person POV

"Hello?" Jeongin calls out in a fragile voice. He walks further down the alley, a bad feeling bubbling in his stomach. As he turns the corner he sees the person who called out for help. It was a young girl, who looked around 16. She was on the ground, scraped knees, and her purse torn aside by four strong men. One of the men was rummaging through her purse and looking for her wallet.

In a snap judgement he shouted out, "Hey! Leave her alone!" All the men turn around and face him with angry stares.

"Hm... who do we have here?" The tallest one asked with a smirk. The men all turned away from the frightened girl, leaving her purse on the ground. She saw her chance and ran out of the alley. Jeongin was all alone now. As they started to walk towards him he stepped back and tripped, falling on his knees.

"I know you... you're Jeongin from that k-pop group, Stray Kids." One of them says, recognizing the young boy. "I bet your hyungs would pay us a lot for you." Jeongin whimpered in fear.

"Please don't hurt me..."

"We won't pretty boy, so long as you... cooperate. Grab him!"

"Wait no! Please sto-"

Rrring Rrring Rrring

"Hello?" Changbin's voice answered the phone.

"Wait- what?!" All the boys turned their heads at the dial tone, signalling that the person suddenly hung up. "T-that was from someone... who said they have Jeongin."

"What the fuck?!" Hyunjin yelled out, standing up.

"They said," Changbin continued, "that we need to pay them $100,000!" Changbin screams out, realization dawning on him. Jeongin could be hurt. He could be dead.

The boys just stare at each other in shock from the phone call Changbin just received.

"What the hell? That's obviously not happening! How do we even know that they're telling the truth?" Minho said angrily. Suddenly they all hear a gasp.

"This is how!" Changbin sobs out. On the phone screen is a picture from an unknown number, of Jeongin, tied up and crying.

"Oh my god." Chan breathes out, stumbling backwards in shock.

"We have to call the police!" Jisung says, seemingly the only one who wasn't frozen in shock. They all nod and Chan calls 911 as the others get dressed to go to the police station.

"Alright, well we can confirm that these people do have Jeongin. We will be sending over officers right away, to get him back. Now we do have to do this safely but I do understand that you will want to see him. So I can grant you permission to go with the officers, so long as you remain safe."

All the boys quickly nod, just wanting to get their maknae back as quickly as possible.

As they drive over in the disguised police cars, they all feel their hearts beating in their chest.

"We're here." One of the officers says.

"Chan hyung, is Innie going to be okay?" Seungmin asks, eyes glossed over.

"I don't know Seungmin." The eldest tells him, worried but attempting to stay strong.

All the members step out of the cars, and follow behind the officers, to the house where Jeongin was determined to be. The police officers bust into the house as the boys run after, searching for their dear maknae.

"JEONGIN! Where are you?!" Felix yells out, screaming as loud as he could. The officers surround them and swarm the house, looking for the men. As the officers run around the boys keep screaming out for the youngest member.

"Jeongin?!" Jisung yelled after hearing some muffled noises through all the chaos. He runs down the hallway and the boys follow after him, hoping he was headed in the right direction. They ran in and saw their poor maknae, tied up, screaming through a cloth shoved in his mouth.

"Oh my goodness, Innie." Chan said in a raspy voice. Minho and Hyunjin speedily untied Jeongin and removed anything else.

"Hyungs!" Jeongin sobbed out, immediately rushing over to hug Jisung. "Thank you hyungs, thank you." He sobbed into Jisung's shirt. The older boy pet his hair, appreciating being able to have Jeongin in his arms again.

"It's okay Innie. It's okay. Hyungs are here." Chan whispered to the poor boy. They all surrounded the youngest, attempting to protect him from the cruel world that had attempted to harm him. As the chaos ensued around them, all they focused on was being able to hold Jeongin in their arms. Their maknae was with them again. They saved him.


not edited so there might be some weird mistakes lol 

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