We Miss You~ JeonginxSKZ

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genRe: fluff+angst

plot summARy: jeongin has been hanging out with txt too much in his hyungs opinion

possiBle tw: swearing, fighting

(A/N) this is quite short but i still feel bad for making Sunooscrown cry so here you go! 🙂  i know most ppl dont read this and just read FAME but it's so much easier to write short stories.

btw this is also not edited bc i have school tmrw and it's lateeeeee 


3rd person POV

Jeongin was out with TxT again. It was the fourth time this week.

All of his hyungs were sitting in the living room, waiting for him to get home. It was super late, around 11:30 PM, and they all were getting impatient.

"Why does Innie never hang out with us anymore?" Hyunjin complained with an evident pout. All the members sighed. Ever since they went on their three week break the maknae had been hanging out with all his other friends. Jeongin's hyungs were starting to get quite jealous. They wanted to spend time with Jeongin.

"Well you're the one who introduced him to TxT! You're the one who is most at fault here! You practically handed him over to them!" Minho yelled out at Hyunjin.

"Okay, okay, no fighting." Chan said, trying to reason with the boys.

"No! Minho is right. It's all Hyunjin's fault!" Jisung said.

"What how the hell am I the one to blame?!"

"You gave him to them on a fucking silver platter!"

"No I fucking didn't!"

"Hyunjin didn't do anything wrong guys! Technically it's Chan's fault for telling Innie he was allowed to go out!"

"What?! how is that a bad thing? Jeongin can spend time with whoever he wants!"

"So you don't even fucking miss him? Wow, what a great leader!"

"Hey! Don't talk to your elders like that!"

"I'll do whatever I want!"

All hell had broke loose. All of them blaming each other for Jeongin not spending time with them. Everyone was yelling in each others faces and throwing things across the room. It was complete mayhem. And so none of them noticed the maknae walking into the living room.

"Oi! What the heck is going on here hyungs?" Jeongin screamed out over the fighting boys.

Everyone stopped and looked at the maknae. He looked extremely angry.

"Jeongin! You're back!" Felix said with excitement.

"Yes, I'm back. Now what was going on before I got here? It looks like there was a hurricane in here!" Jeongin says, pointing to all the items on the ground. One of the couches was pushed over on it's side and broken pieces of vases and mugs were scattered across the floor.

"Um..." Changbin says. Nobody knows what to tell their maknae.

"We... had a small... misunderstanding..." Chan says in a quiet voice. Jeongin gives his hyung a glare. The room was torn apart and all of them had just been shouting at the top of their lungs. "Ok... maybe not a small misunderstanding." Chan tells him. All of Jeongin's hyungs were staring at their feet. They so felt ashamed.

"We were fighting..." Seungmin told Jeongin.

"Well why were you fighting?" Jeongin asked them.

All of the boys gave each other looks. Would the maknae be mad at them if they told him why they were fighting?

Again, Seungmin was the only one to speak up.

"We... we were fighting because... you haven't been spending time with us and we were all blaming each other because we miss you."

Jeongin's face fell into a shocked expression and then into a small smile.

"You miss me?" He asked his hyungs.

"Of course we do! You haven't been spending time with us." Changbin whined. Jeongin gave them all a smile.

"Aw hyungs that's so sweet! I promise I'll spend more time with you. I've just been helping TxT plan Huening Kai's birthday party. I'm sorry I haven't been spending time with you." Jeongin said.

"You promise you'll spend more time with us?" Jisung asked the maknae.

"I promise." He reassured them.

"Oh my god YAY! Can we have a movie night tonight? We can watch whatever you want! Please Innie? Pleaseeeeee?" Hyunjin begged him.

Jeongin agreed and Seungmin, Felix, and Hyunjin went with him to choose the movie and change into more comfy clothes. Chan, Jisung, Minho, and Changbin stayed back to clean up the living room.

☆time skip☆

After everyone was ready and everything was cleaned up they all settled down.

"Is it alright if we watch Howl's Moving Castle hyungs?"

"Of course Innie!" Chan says to the maknae. They all were so happy that Jeongin was spending time with them. They really missed him.

As the movie started they all settled onto the couches. Minho had his arms around Jeongin and Felix placed his legs on his lap.

"I'm glad we're doing this hyungs... and just so you know...

I missed you too." 

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