flower shop pt1~ Hyunin

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genRe: fluff

plot summARy: flower shop au, customer hyunjin, owner jeongin

possiBle tw: swearing, mentions of bullying, passive aggressive/petty people, bully jisung 


Hyunjin's POV

I am so fucking pissed at Jisung right now. We used to be best friends but now he's literally the meanest dude in the world, but he still pretends to be my friend. It obvious he isn't actually my friend. He bullies all the people in our class and pretends to my friend and I don't even know what to tell him. So, I am just going to slowly and very passive aggressively, tell him I hate his guts. Because it's obvious he hates mine.

My sister Yeji told me about this flower shop she went to when she broke up with her girlfriend last year. According to her, the owner of the shop knew everything about flowers. and helped make her a breakup bouquet. The minute she told me about that I knew that I had to go there, to give Jisung a punch in the face, through flowers.

Entering the shop, I notice how cute it is inside, with a garden and small water fountain, and flowers everywhere.

"Hello! Welcome to my flower shop, how many I help you today?" I heard a voice say. Turning around I see a cute boy watering the plants in the garden. He stood up and put down the watering pitcher, walking over to me with a smile.

"Ummmm..." I say getting flustered at his cute smile. "Um... my sister told me about your shop before and I was wondering if you could help me with a bouquet."

"Oh wait! Is your sister Yeji noona?" He asks me.

"Yeah she is. How did you know?"

"You guys kind of look alike. Just a little bit." He responds.

"Well I hope you think I'm prettier." I say with a smirk, getting my confidence back. He blushes at my comment and looks down at his feet, clasping his hands together.

"So what was it that you wanted my help with sir?" The boy asked me.

"Well... I have this friend that has been quite mean recently and I don't wanna be friends with him anymore. But I'm having kind of a hard time dropping him and I have decided that since he secretly hates my guts that I am gonna do the same petty passive aggressive shit he does." I tell the boy, laughing at the weirdness of the situation.

"So... basically you want a bouquet that symbolizes 'fuck off'." The boy says with a small smile, looking so innocent while saying that.

"Ha! Yeah basically. Do you think you could help me out sweetie?" I ask him, adding in the nickname just to make him blush again.

"Y-yeah of course!" He heads over to another area of the shop where all the extra flowers are in the back, motioning for me to follow him. I swiftly walk behind him into the back of the shop, taking note of all the cute mushroom drawings behind the counter. I wonder if he drew those? They're good.

"So, I think that we should definitely start off with orange lilies, which symbolize hatred. That alright?" He questions, grasping a few orange lilies delicately in his hands.

"Yeah thats great! You lead the way." I tell him.

"Okay then... next maybe petunias? They symbolize resentment." I nod with his choice. "Which colour would you prefer?"

"Um... whatever you think would work best."

The boy nods and reaches for a few magenta petunias.

"Now for some smaller flowers I was thinking mock orange, which symbolizes lack of trust. They basically say 'I can't trust you'." He tells me, reaching for the white flowers off the shelf, but still looking to me for conformation.

"Please don't look to me for permission. You know best!" I tell him. It's obvious that he's dealt with some rude customers before.

"Oh- okay!" He says happily. "Then I think for last, some geranium fish flowers would look nice. Maybe light pink ones."

The boy gently grabs the flowers off of the shelf and starts arranging all the flowers he picked into some sort of bouquet. He smiles and shows the arranged bouquet to me.

"I love it, thank you so much for helping me." I tell him, smiling back at him.

"It's what I do! Alrighty then, let's get this all finished with wrapping and ribbons." He starts heading back out to the counter to tie the flowers together. He wraps the flowers in white paper and ties them together tightly with an orange ribbon. He does something on the cash register on the counter and rings up an amount.

"That will be $25 sir," He says cheerfully, "how would you like to pay?"

"What- only $25?! That's way too little." I say, surprised.

"Well it's usually $50 for a personally picked bouquet but since this is your first time buying from my shop, you get a discount! Also you're Yeji noona's brother." He says cheerfully as I hand him the cash.

"Well um thank you. You were so helpful today." I tell him as he hands me the bouquet and puts the cash into the register.

"Of course! And I hope that meanie who won't leave you alone finally gets the hint." He pouts.

"I hope so too. I will be sure to tell him if he doesn't get the point that this is a 'fuck off' bouquet according to you." I say, making him giggle. Fuck, my heart has been killed by cuteness. "Thanks for the help flower boy, I'll be sure to come here again."



"My name is Jeongin."

"Well it was very nice to meet you Jeongin! Although I may just continue to call you flower boy. My name's Hyunjin, but you should just call me hyung, okay flower boy?"

"Okay hyung! See you around."

I wave on my way out of the shop and rush out the door, my heart skipping along with me. I'm in love.


not edited.  

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