flower shop pt3~ Hyunin

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sorry for the wait, but here's the last part. sorry if there are any inconsistencies in this three part story, i kind of lost motivation for this, but i managed to make a decent ending in my opinion. also it doesn't really make sense to call this a oneshot book if a lot of these stories have more than one part but whatever. anyways hope you enjoy! <333


3rd person's POV

Jeongin felt caught in the middle of his boyfriend and Hyunjin. They had both been in and out of the flower shop for the past week, Jisung coming in twice as much as he used to once he realized Hyunjin was after his boyfriend. On the other hand Hyunjin had been in just as much as he usually did but instead of being his usual kind self he had only fought with Jisung every time. Jeongin was starting to feel like an object that the two boys were fighting over.

Today Jisung and Hyunjin both raced to the flower shop after their school day ended, Jeongin already opening the store since his school had a day off.

Hyunjin ran into the store seconds before Jisung, their bikes just thrown over on the sidewalk, likely to get stolen but the boys didn't care.

"Hey Jeongin! I'm here!" Hyunjin gasps out, sweating and tired from biking so fast.

"I'm here too baby!" Jisung yells out, running over to Jeongin, also drenched in sweat.

"Ew! You guys are so sweaty." He yells out, dodging his boyfriend's hug.

"It's 'cause we raced to get to you Innie and I won!" Hyunjin said to Jeongin while smirking towards Jisung.

"Ok Hyunjin, fine, you win. Now if you don't mind I'm going to take my boyfriend on a date." Jisung says.

"But wait- I just opened the store." Jeongin says.

"It'll be fine baby, you never usually open this early on Fridays anyways." Jisung says, leading his boyfriend out the door.

"U-uh ok?" Jeongin says as he's forcefully pulled out of the shop. Hyunjin stares as Jeongin obeys to Jisung's orders, even though it's quite obvious he didn't want to leave his shop. Jeongin takes one glance at the look on Hyunjin's face and he knows what the elder is thinking. Why is he letting his boyfriend tell him what to do? He doesn't want to leave.

"Jisung, wait!" Jeongin says, ripping his wrist away from his boyfriend. The youngest boy knows what he has to do, what he wants to do. Jisung turns around and stares at Jeongin, confused. "Sungie I love you... but I don't think our relationship is healthy anymore for either of us, and... I wanna break up." Jeongin tells him, attempting to do this in the most gentle way possible. It would probably seem pretty sudden to the other boy, but ever since Jeongin discovered Jisung's bullying tendencies with other people, their relationship felt so different to him, like a foreign planet. It didn't feel safe like it used to, and then there was Hyunjin...

Jisung's eyebrows furrow at Jeongin's words. "...If that's what you want Innie, then ok. I hope we can still be friends?" He asks.

"Eventually." Jeongin tells him with a sympathetic smile.

Hyunjin's POV

I watched from across the shop as Jisung received his karma, attempting to make myself look busy so it wasn't too awkward. Jisung bullied so many kids in our school, he doesn't deserve to date the sweetest boy ever. But then again, I do feel sort of bad for him, because I do think that he really loved Jeongin, and I think I might have made their relationship more toxic. That was the opposite of what I wanted... I just wanted Innie.

Jisung leaves the store dejectedly and Jeongin sighs and makes his way over to me. I give him a weak smile, I thought this was what I wanted, but not like this. I hurt Jeongin. I know I did.

"Jinnie hyung..."

3rd person's POV

"Wait Jeongin. Before you say anything just let me tell you something okay?" Hyunjin asks and the younger boy nods. "I really like you. I mean I think you know that by now... but I think I hurt you? No, I know I hurt you. I don't want you to ever feel like you're an object to me, and I know that's how I made you feel right now. I like you so much and I'm willing to wait as long as you need to trust me again." Hyunjin tells him in a gentle voice.

"So do you just want to be friends hyung?" Jeongin's small voice asks. Hyunjin sighs at that, which Jeongin mistakes as rejection, but really it was just Hyunjin's conflicting thoughts battling in his head. He needed to be honest with Jeongin.

"Innie, to be completely transparent, I don't want to be just friends. But if that's what you want then I am fine with that too. I don't want to lose you as a friend either." The older boy tells Jeongin.

"I don't want to be just friends either hyung... but I really do need time to trust you again and be ready to be in a full out romantic relationship again." The smaller boy says, his voice tumbling over his words as fast as he could. He wanted the other to know everything going through his head in the moment so there wasn't another miscommunication between them. Jeongin wanted Hyunjin and Hyunjin wanted Jeongin but neither of them were completely ready to have a relationship.

"Let's just take it slowly then...?" Hyunjin says, almost like a question.

"Yeah, slowly..." Jeongin responds, hugging his tall hyung. It wasn't anything especially romantic, more platonic if anything. They both needed to emotionally mature before they got together, and they were both willing to wait forever for the other to be ready, because they loved each other that much. 


alright, this is the last part of the last oneshot in this book! thank you for reading, this was actually the first book i ever published on wattpad and i'm so thankful to everyone who has left comments and voted on it. hope you can continue to reread these stories even though the book is done now and that you check out some of my other books as well! and if you like my writing i would really appreciate if you follow me. alrighty~ thats it for now, love you guys! 

-Author chan 🌸      

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