Bunny pt2~ Jeonlix

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read part 1 first! sorry for the wait~ here's part 2 <3


3rd person's POV

"...I'm a little."

All of Jeongin's hyungs stared at him, making him extremely nervous. Were they disgusted by him?

"Oh my god! That's so cute!" Hyunjin suddenly yells out, taking Jeongin into his arms. Everyone was excited and cooing over the maknae. Jeongin just couldn't believe it. They truly loved him, no matter what he was. Jeongin suddenly let out a small yawn causing everyone to coo at him.

"Aw, you're such a cutie pie." Seungmin said. Jeongin slipped back into little space with the others actions.

"Fewix hyungie?"

"Aw, yes baby?" Felix responded, realizing that Jeongin slipped again. Jeongin, it seemed, had slipped further into his headspace than usual. So he only made grabby hands towards his new caregiver. "He must have slipped further." Felix informed the rest of the members, who although thinking littles were cute, weren't as educated on how to be a caregiver. "I'm going to take Innie to his bed."

"I'm gonna talk to our manager about taking a few break days." Chan told Felix. Felix had previously told the others of Jeongin's unhealthy habits as he had to explain why Jeongin was out so late. They were all quite worried but hopefully, if their manager gave them some days off, the maknae could slip into little space more and reduce his stress.

"Can we come help you put Innie to sleep?" Hyunjin asked Felix with puppy eyes. All the other members pouted and pleaded Felix so they could spend more time with little Jeongin.

"Uhhh... fine. But please don't be too loud. Innie needs his sleep." Felix tells them all.

They all celebrate the small victory by yelling but are quickly shushed by both Chan and Felix. Felix holds Jeongin in his arms as the youngest member gets more sleepy. "It's sleepy time sweetheart." Felix told Jeongin with a small smile.

"Sweepy times?" Jeongin asked back. Felix grinned at the little's cuteness.

"Yes baby. It's sleepy time."

Felix brought the maknae to his bedroom and handed Minho some of Jeongin's pajamas. "Do you mind helping him change hyung?" Minho nodded a little reluctantly. "You'll be fine Minho hyung." Felix reassured his elder. Minho slowly helped Jeongin change into his pajamas, because although Felix had changed the boy earlier, the clothes were not for sleeping. Jeongin giggled as Minho ruffled his hair once the new clothes were on.

"Good job hyung-ah!" Changbin applauds Minho for making the little happy. Felix approaches Jeongin, who is sitting on the his soft bed.

"Alright sweetie, I got your bunny!" He tells Jeongin, handing him the small crocheted bunny.

"Thankies hyungie."

All of Jeongin's hyungs smile at him. Delighted by the sight of him being happy. "Goodnight Innie!" Chan says, sticking his head into the maknae's room after getting off the phone with their manager.

"Yeah, nighty night Innie!" The rest of Jeongin's hyungs say, bidding goodnight to him.

"Night hyungies! I wuv you."

As the members leave the maknae's room, Jeongin lets out a whine. "You alright baby?" Felix asks, now being the only other person in Jeongin's bedroom.

"Can you stay with me tonight hyungie?" The little asks his caregiver. Jeongin then lets out another tiny yawn.

"Aw, of course my baby~" Felix coos. He quickly changes into more comfortable clothes and tucks himself and Jeongin into the bed. "Ready for sleepy time now?"

"Yesh hyungie." Jeongin says as he cuddles into his hying's chest.

"Goodnight baby."

"Say goodnight to bunny too hyungie."

"Goodnight bunny."

Lights out.  

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