flower shop pt2~ Hyunin

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read part one first please, and i'm sorry for the bad update schedule. love u guysss


3rd person's POV

Hyunjin had finally given the hatred bouquet to his frenemy Jisung and his reaction could not have been more perfect. Hyunjin was extremely happy that he had managed to annoy Jisung, but he was even more happy that he had met Jeongin. Ever since meeting him, Hyunjin had not stopped thinking about the young boy. He was just perfect in Hyunjin's eyes. Which is why, after a week of being busy studying, Hyunjin finally got a break and his first decision was to go see the flower boy.

Hyunjin quickly grabbed his bicycle and made his way to Jeongin's flower shop, avoiding all the angry drivers on the streets. Placing his bike in a locking bike rack a few blocks away from the shop. Walking along the sidewalk, Hyunjin notices all the flower pots that have been set up on storefronts. The bookstore has a cluster of lilac hydrangeas that the boy recognizes represents gratitude. After meeting Jeongin, the older boy decided to do some research on flowers since he found it super interesting how certain flowers can actually mean things. Hyunjin notices that there is a park on his way to see Jeongin and decides to look for some flowers for the boy. Finishing picking flowers from underneath the tree, the boy heads on to the flower shop. Finally arriving at the shop, Hyunjin places the flowers in his bag's side pocket before heading in, the little bell on the doorway ringing as he enters.

"Oh! Hey Jinnie hyung!" He hears a kind voice call out. Hyunjin heads to the cashier area of the store to see the boy.

"Hi Innie!" Hyunjin says before walking up to the front.

"Oh... hi there Hyunjin." A new voice says, with an obvious smirk. He recongnizes that voice from somewhere. Oh...

"Hi Jisung. What are you doing here?" It was him.

"Well I'm visiting my lovely boyfriend of course!" Jisung says with a smile, causing Jeongin to giggle at him.

"So you guys know each other?" Jeongin asks, quirking his head to the side.

"Yeah, we go to the same school and we hang out sometimes." Jisung answers the young boy, wrapping his hand around his waist, causing Hyunjin to quite obviously glare at him. Jisung notices and smirks while Jeongin remains oblivious. Hyunjin decides to do something he will probably regret but all he can feel is jealousy. Jisung is an absolute asshole and Jeongin is a sweetheart. This doesn't make any sense.

"Well, Jisung really enjoyed those flowers you helped me with Innie, so thank you from both of us." The older boy says with a smirk. Jeongin seems to slowly process what Hyunjin just said before suddenly realizing what that meant.

"U-uh no problem..." the young boy says in a quiet voice and a shy awkward smile. Jisung coldly stares at Hyunjin. Now Hyunjin knows how Jisung knew what every type of flower represented.

"Did you need something from here Hyunjin?" Jisung asks with a slight aggressive undertone.

"Oh no I didn't. Just wanted to thank Innie here for all his help." Hyunjin responds, smiling at the flower boy.

"Aw that's so sweet hyungie. Feel free to come here anytime!" Jeongin says.

"I will!" Hyunjin responds as Jisung tightens his grip on the younger boy's waist.

"Well it was nice to see you Hyunjin, I'll see you at school." Jisung says, basically forcing him to leave with his words.

"Bye Jisung. Goodbye flower boy!" Hyunjin says, getting ready to head home. As he heads back to the door of the flower shop he hears Jisung and Jeongin head to the back area of the flower shop and sneakily heads back to the cashier station. He takes the flowers out of his bag pocket and places them on the desk with a small note. And with that he leaves, jealousy and determination pumping through his veins.

☆ time skip ☆

As Jisung leaves Jeongin tidies up the cashier desk to get ready to lock up the shop and leave for the night. The young boy then notices a small bundle of flowers. He reaches for them but then notices a small note on top of the flowers and grabs that instead.

Dear flower boy,

These flowers will show you how I really feel about you. P.S. Jisung doesn't deserve you.


Jeongin reaches for the flowers and sucks in a sharp breath, suddenly confused on whether his relationship with Jisung was the one he wanted. Suddenly he was questioning everything in his relationship, all because of this one boy. Bringing the flowers up and exhaling his held in breath, he was so confused. The flowers were baby's breath... the flower of everlasting love and innocence.


not edited, part 3 coming sometime soon! btw i'm getting my first vaccination tmrw :3 

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