{002} where they would take you on a first date

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- to the drive ins

- cuddles with you while watching the movies

-buys you popcorn and cola 


- holds your hand and walks you home after 


- takes you to a diner or something 

- prolly orders pancakes for dinner 

- makes eyes at you the whole time (omg imagine tho)

- shares a milkshake with you after (the romantic way with two straws in one glass type of thing)

- makes sure you get home safely afterwards 


- uses up all his money to take you to a fancy south side resteraunt

- def takes ponyboy and sodapop along so he can keep an eye on them 

- is really sweet but keeps thretaning ponyboy alot and you get a bit scared

- is muscles make up for it tho 

- drives you home after 


- takes you to Bucks for a party

- tries to get you drunk 

- DEF tries to slyther-in that night (heheheh)

- you spend the night at Bucks and hes cuddling you when you wake up 

- steals breakfast for you before walking you home the next day


- is real scared so he ends up going to the drive in as well but keeps a close eye on pony so he can copy what hes doing (with his gf) cause he as no mf clue

- is really cute the whole time

- suprisingly no socs bother you (hmmm i wonder why)

- after you lay in the lot watching stars and fall asleep in his arms 


- takes you to some Greaser party on the north side

- will not shut up about his cars 

- makes you think he wants to fuck his cars instead 

- DEF tries to get in your pants later that night 

- stares down any other guy who looks at you funny cause he is very protective

- despite his car fettish he walks you home nicely after (if your not in bed with him)


- takes you to an open mic

- makes jokes the whole time

- surprises you by going up and doing a little comedic thing 

- buys you a minny shirt to match his mickey one

- gets drunk and you have to walk him home that night 

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