{029} jokes? -two bit

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you were hanging out with your friend allie. she lived in a greaser neighborhood on the north side of town. thats where all the hot guys lived too...

"how many drinks does it take for you to get drunk?", you asked your friend Allie

"im not sure y/n", she laughed "i dont drink"

"me neither I was just asking"

"I DRINK", a voice echoed in the backround

you turned to see a kind of handsome guy with greased back hair, wearing a mickey mouse shirt stumbling towards you with a beer in his hands 

you got up to run away

"hey keith", allie waved and ushred you to sit down

"you know him?", you asked

"yea hes my best guy friend and also close with Dally"

the man came closer

"ayo i thought i told you to call me two bit... not keith", he made a disgusted face

"right sorry two butt", allie smiled

two bit rolled his eyes, "and whos this pretty lady here?"

you blushed, "y/n"

"well y/n, how would you and Allie like to come to the Curtis house for a game of 'just for laughs' with the boys tonight"

"i really dont-", allie stuttered

"id love to", you replied

"awesome yo. your other friends christina and ana will be there too i think", two bit smirked

"uh cool but i dont think we-", allie looked nervous

"allie be nice we can go to the Curtis house dont worry its not that bad", you looked back and forth from her and two bit

"i hope so too. see you at 7 girlies", and two bit skipped away

you and your friend kind of just stood in silence for a while. watching your new friend skip away into the distance. 'he was kind of strange', you thought 'but its fine cause hes kind of handsome too'.

"why did you agree with him y/n?", allie spoke up

"cause hes kinda hot", you giggled

"okay first of all what? second do you know what game we are going to play?", she looked scared


"'just for laughs is a game for like 10 or more people where everyone roasts and makes fun of everyone", she stuttered, "a-all your secrets get spilled whether you want to or not"

"oh", you pressed your lips "that sucks then"


*time skip to 7 o clock*

on the way to the Curtis house Allie told you about all the gang members, basically so you didnt have to be awkward and ask for their names.

"hey y/n!", christina came over and hugged you, ponyboy close behind

"hey tina, hi pony", you smiled

allie ran inside to see dallas and you could see them hugging from through the window. cute

"hEy lOoK wHo'S hErE", two bit screamed and he came and gave you a big hug

"heyyyy", you giggled. wow, he might not have been the best looking but he was hilarious. two bit had a great personality. 

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