{011} dally- our secret

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"shhhh", and he brought his finger to his lips, "this is our little secret".


it was a typical summer evening

you sat on your front porch watching the sunset and admiring the beautiful colors painted throughout  the sky.

across the road was house number 742, most greasers knew it as the Curtis house, where anyone looking for a place to crash for the night was welcome. you never really knew your neighbors that well so you never needed to stay over, plus, you lived with your older sister in a perfectly fine house anyways.

the door opened and out stepped the youngest Curtis, Ponyboy, and a girl you knew from your school. was that Christina? right,  she told you she was going to Pony's house to work on a project. you remembered now 

the two kissed and you directed your attention back to the book you were reading in your lap

hearing a clapping noise, you turned  and saw none other than Dallas Winston jeering the couple on. they quickly left and he looked up right into your eyes and grinned right before he went back inside the house 

 they quickly left and he looked up right into your eyes and grinned right before he went back inside the house 

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(okay kinda like this but imagine its dally)

now you understood what all the girls meant when they talked about Dallas


after recovering from your shock you spotted your friend Georgia walking down the street in... a tight dress?


"um Georgia what are you doing here... and what are you wearing?", you asked confused 

"girl", she looked at you funny

"omg what just tell me already", you practically shouted 

"THE PARTY", she paused "duh",  and you looked up to see Ponyboy and Christina exiting the Curtis house in what seemed to be party wear too.

then you remembered 

"awww shoot right", you palmed your face

"well cmon get ready were gunna be late stupid", and she rolled her eyes


as you approached Bucks, you couldn't help but think about Dallas Winston and that damn smile he gave you today. did it mean anything?

as you entered, the smell of booze and alcohol wafted towards you and through the red and purple lighting you could see Pony and his girlfriend Christina making out in the corner. 

you sighed and wished you had something like that with someone. someone like dallas winston. or preferably him. 

wallowing in self pity you ordered a drink, then two, three, four...

and everything went black


you woke up in an unfamiliar bedroom, with a a huge headache and a muscular arm wrapped around your bare torso.

"oh good morning y/n", the familiar voice chuckled

frightened, you glanced backwards and were face to face with none other than Dallas Winston 

"oh um hi?", you swallowed "you know my name"

"ofcourse", and he smiled... the same smile he gave you on the Curtis porch

suddenly your memory returned to you. 

"d-dally", you stuttered


"did we...", you nervously asked

he seemed to read your mind and kissed you, only affirming your question

i, y/n, just slept with THE Dallas Winston. WOW

his arm flexed as it tightened around you, bringing you in closer to his bare chest, and you giggled in response.

"are we gunna tell any-", and he silenced you with another kiss

"Shhhhh", and he brought his finger to his lips, "this is our little secret".

AKJDHALKHLKH to be with dally. *sighs*

anyways this little chapter is dedicated to my bestie mrs. allie winston

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