{052} NICE WHAT?! (dally) part 2

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heres the story finally yay!


you were stunned, flattered even, and you could tell johnny was too.

"did you just hear what i heard Johnny?", you made sure to keep your voice down

"you think i didnt?", he whisper shouted. his hair was also sticking up really weirdly, like it was fluffed. it was cute but you didnt want him to get made fun of so you stopped him and flattened it.

"christina what are you doing", johnny swatted at your hands

"im trying to help you johnathan cade so stand still will ya", you complained while fixing his hair

"im trying to help you johnathan cade so stand still will ya", you complained while fixing his hair

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this is kinda what i mean by fluffy

your best friend was quite squeamish when it came to his hair. you knew that he was a greaser just like you and you valued your hair more than anything. feeling sorry you gave his fluff one last pat and realized that you were about to get lapped by dally and steve again.

"johnathan and christina get moving or else its detention for you", Mr. Cramer shouted at you and johnny

you both started running at a steady pace again and you decided to evesdrop on steve and dally's conversation since they were directly behind you now.

"hey dal what lap are we on", steve asked

"dunno man i cant count", dally shrugged

"also what up with you and christina, are you two a thing or something? yall seem pretty close"

"i mean", dally hesitated, "shes hot, and nice and has a good personality and all but no not yet i dont even think she has a thing for me"

"why not dal"

"cause shes always hangin' out with johnny and pony anyways"

you winced. did dallas not know that johnny and pony were your best friends? you were temped to turn around and tell him but you didnt want to seem nosy. plus it was something cherry valance would do and... we hated her.

thankfully steve spoke up, "you dumb fuck those three are best friends. make your move already man"

before you could hear what dally had to say johnny abruptly stopped and you realised that you were done your five laps.

"Okay class now i'm going to divide you in teams so we can play basketball", the teacher went on about rules, proper behaviour blah blah.

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