{037} steve- toxic

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you had been dating Steve Randle for a little more than 1 year  now

and lets just say...

he was a bit.. toxic. no. he was VERY TOXIC


it was a typical fall evening

 the sun was setting over the coloured oak trees while you brought the groceries in from shopping.

since you and steve decided to move in together, you had made a deal. you shopped and did all the 'lady like things' while he would tend to the outside of the house.

whatever. it was fine with you. 

you both had done just about every thing together...and by that i mean in bed. he wasn't scared to try new things at all. 

just as you set the bags on the counter you felt an arm lace around your waist

"hey babe", steve kissed your neck

"hi stevie", you turned around and kissed him back

he growled, "i told you not to call me that"

you were in a bit of a mood today and didn't reply

"y/n", he started to get a bit angry, "i told you not to call me stevie".

you still didn't say a word and continued to put away the groceries. you weren't going to play his little games today. 


"i know what you told me steve just be quiet", you snapped.

that was it for him. grabbing you harshly and pinning you against the wall by your neck he whispered again.

"excuse me?", he breathed loudly into your ear

oh so he wanted to play. 'lets play', you thought. 

"what?", you fake pouted. "did you not get enough cake today?"

"y/n, you know i am not addicted anymore", his chest started heaving 

"i bought some fresh today", you smirked, and then as a top whispered "daddy". 

Steves eyes went wide, clearly he was just as stunned as you. you were still pinned against the wall though. 


why did you say that. why did you say that.

"u-uh-um sorry i didnt know", you stammered as your face turned red

your boyfriend leaned in closer

"say it again y/n", he was curious now

"u-um", you were really nervous. but why? this was steve...then again you had never called him anything like this before

"say. it", he spat

you kept silent 


still your mouth refused to open.

"fine", he drawled, "but someones getting a punishment for the way they behaved"

before you knew it he stripped off his shirt and began to undress you right there in the kitchen

"but the groceries!", you whinned, "i haven't finished putting them away"

"too bad", he smirked at swept everything off the counter and on the floor


he stuck his fingers in your mouth to shut you up.


well i think you know what happens next


after you were finished you both baked a cake together to make up for the one he swept onto the floor

and yes you baked naked. theres nothing wrong with that. ofcourse steve asked to do that and you agreed because you had already gotten yourself in alot of trouble today anyways. 

the next day you hadn't finished the cake yet, but steves best friend soda came over with his girlfriend for dinner. 

steve served the cake you baked naked for dessert

no one suspected a thing

you got mad at him for doing so and he punished you with sex. again

it was fine though cause he was really good. 

im very sorry you had to read that. 

-mrs. c. curtis <3

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