{051} gym- NICE WHAT?! (dally) part 1

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this story is dedicated to @dallyluver33 

(also lets pretend all the gang goes to school for this)

"aww shit"

"what happened Pony?"

"im not in a class with either you or Johnny this semester", he sighed

you were walking to school with your two best friends, Johnny Cade and Ponyboy Curtis. Pony's school schedule just recently got changed and he got moved into another class. Thankfully you and Johnny still had gym together with some of the other gang members.

"look Pony im sure it isnt too bad being in a other class, right?", you tried to make him feel better

"y/n you dont understand", pony pouted

"Pony i think-"

"IM IN A GRADE TWELVE UNIVERSITY CLASS WITH DARRY WHAT THE HELL", you were interupted by ponyboys shouting

"pony calm down and stop playing you just took grade twelve science with darry  last semester you cant have that course it must be a mistake", johnny tried comforting his friend

"IM NOT KIDDING LOOK", Darry was waiting at the school doors for his brother. At least five textbooks in hand and... was that a belt hanging in the other? 

The eldest Curtis brother was staring straight at your trio. His beady eyes seemed to pierce straight through you, even when you stepped behind Johnny cause you felt uncomfy. His gaze followed you and your friends as you approached the school. Never blinking. No emotion. Nothing.

"h-hi darry", pony nervously stuttered as you all entered the school doors

still no movement.

"okay Pony, well me and Johnny gotta get to class now but you have fun with Darrel since hes so nice", you half smiled and kissed your friend on the cheek.

"yea bye man good luck", Johnny followed

finally darrel smiled...an evil smile. chilling you and sending shivers down your spine. he gripped Pony's shoulder with force and looked at you.

"y/n", he spoke, still smiling

"y-yes darry?"

"have a good day dear"

you managed reply without stuttering again "thanks", and tried to smile

"okay well bye-", pony was stopped with a hand over his mouth. it was darrys

"no talking brother", he paused "we will have so much fun together wont we"

as the two walked away you managed to catch a wave from Pony before he turned a corner.
you and Johnny turned and walked towards the gym, trying to forget what just happened.

"y/n was that even legal?", johnny asked

"i mean it was creepy but i dont see why not..", you replied

"whats not legal? and can i join?", you turned to see dallas winston smirking

"no dally its nothin man", johnny rolled his eyes

dally was always getting into trouble. you wish you could help your friend but he was happy breaking the law so you didnt bother.

"y/n what is it", dally turned

you suddenly felt hot under his stare, but how could this be? you and dallas had been friends for years now. why just now were you getting the hots for him. why-

"uh earth to y/n, i asked you a question"

"oh, s-sorry", you hesitated, "uh, cmon Johnny lets get to gym class bye Dal see you later ", and you tugged Johnny's sleeve and quickly dragged him to class.


*skip to when class starts *

everyone had finished changing into the P.E uniform. it was just a simple grey t-shirt with the school logo and bottoms of your choice.
All the soc girls were still wearing their skirts and you. well you were the only girl wearing shorts.maybe thats why all the guys were staring at you. well except johnny ofcourse, he was a friend nothing more.

the teacher Mr. Cramer started talking as you were all ordered to seat yourselves on the bleachers. it was all rules, protocol, blah, blah. you zoned out and leaned against Johnny's shoulder.
you were jolted back awake by Mr. Cramer shouting at someone...

"Mister Winston and Mister Randle, late again i see", checking his watch your teacher sent Dallas and steve to the locker room to get changed. 

"YES SIR", steve shouted with a mouthful of cake, and dally gave you a crooked smile and glanced at your legs. 

"hey y/n isn't it great we have more friends in this class?", johnny seemed excited 

"yea i guess", you shrugged

johnny seemed confused, "y/n.. do you have a problem with our friends?"

you thought about this for a second. No, Steve was nice... but dally...
'you know what', you thought, 'i have to stop being like this... if dally wants to flirt ill just have to flirt back'

you turned back to johnny and smiled , "nope, not at all".

a few more minutes passed and the two boys came to sit with you. Ofcourse dallas chose the spot right beside you. It didnt matter though because you were determined. For what exactly? to date him...

"hey dal nice of you to finally join us", you ran your hand down his arm

he seemed taken back by your confidence but replied with the same energy, "well i couldn't miss sitting next to the hottest girl in the class", and winked at you

"well then dallas you better scoot down cause y/n doesn't compare to me does she?"

red hair, preppy clothes, and obsessed with dallas winston. if it wasn't ms. cherry valance.

"cherry why don't you go and screw bob or something...oh wait hes dead", you spat right back in her face

cherry scoffed and frowed

"hey, hey shhhh guys we are gunna get detention", johnny whispered

giving you one last 'look' cherry flipped her hair and turned back to the teacher. 
you already knew this class was going to be way more interesting than you thought.

"okay class so for warm up we are going to run three laps and then we are going to play some basketball and then ill give you 15 minutes to get changed does that sound good", Mr. Cramer said


"excuse me mister randle what was that?", your teacher looked annoyed

steve finished chewing his cake, "YES SIR"

"love the enthusiasm steven, NOW FIVE LAPS GO"

all the socs groaned but you were happy to finally get a bit of excersise, those bleachers hurt your butt. 
you decided to run with johnny since you two were on the same level stamina wise, and were a good challenge for eachother. then you remembered you were the only girl wearing short shorts, and the redness creeped into your face. 

'no', you thought. 'this is a good chance to impress dally'.
you tugged johnnys shirt urging him to run faster until you were right infront of dallas and steve. why you did this? you weren't exactly sure but you really wanted to go out with dally so...

you heard their footsteps coming closer and closer to you and as dally passed you he whispered, "nice ass y/n".


sorry for the cliffhanger part two will be up soon 

-mrs. curtis 

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