{010} gang- the mall

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Ponyboy: lets go to the movies!

Darry: NO. we are here to shop for y/n *eye roll*

Sodapop: *falls on the floor and has a tantrum* STOP FIGHTINGGG

Dally: lets steal it alllllll heehehheh

Johnny: too many people argh helppp (meanwhile theres like no one there)

Steve: dO tHeY hAvE a ChOcOlAtE cAkE sToRe

Two- bit: *points out victorias secret*

Y/N: omg everyone please we are just here to get some lulu leggings there A SALE! darry and pony you come with me. STEVE! GET AWAY FROM THE BAKERY AND HELP SODA. dally and two bit you can steal whatever you want okay? and j-... guys where johnny?


Johnny: taking selfies with the other Greasers and Socs becasue hes famous for killing Bob

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