{045} science class

259 5 16

lets just imagine the whole gang is in the same class for this okay? hehe



- mark: 92%

- very good student, only gets in trouble when dally and steve blames any explosion on him

- makes sure to sit at the very front of the class with perfect posture because darry is behind him watching his every move at frog dissection time

- he doesn't really like science. he says it reminds him of the colour green and green doesnt match with his astrogical sign 


mark: 51%

- not very smart and doesnt understand anything. his teacher feels bad though and since hes hot makes sure to pass him

- flirts with all the teachers and girls by saying science pick up lines (ex. your the fire to my bunsen burner, H2O molecule doesnt look half as nice as my dick). yea its a problem 

- makes class fun though


mark: 69%

-ofcourse thats his mark, the science teacher loves him. like LOVE LOVES him. im pretty sure he screwed her within the first week.

- very irresponsible (he almost caused a fire and broke a lot of the pitchers)

- swears everytime he messes up an experiment or on a test


- mark: 88%

- suprisingly johnny is quite smart when it comes to science. he loves experiments

- kind of quiet cause he hates the uncomfortable stools but when they start learning about global warming he stands up and uses his big karate voice and lectures the whole class about how the earth is dying

- stands at the sink after class making sure everyone washes their hands after the frog dissection


-mark: 100%

-full on teachers pet (and plus hes their age so he screws his way to the top too)

- at frog dissection time he brings a surgical cap and mask and makes sure hes put with ponyboy so he can watch his brother very closely 

- thinks hes so smart when it comes to experiments but when his is the only one to fail he has to go for a little walk to calm himself down


- mark: 72%

- not the best at science but not the absolute worst either.

- he stuffs the dead frog with his extra chocolate cake. then he gets hungry so he eats it.

- he made a joke about how his brain was made of chocolate cake from a failed experiment and now the whole science department takes him to a lab after school everyday to experiment on him. its fine though he gets free cake for his donation of himself 


mark: 35%

-poor guy failed the class. he aced every test though! we suspect it was because he kept bringing alchol into the class and chugging it then smashing the bottle on the floor

- makes dark jokes about the frogs at dissection time. everyone laughs except the teacher. tsk tsk

- pours beer into the experiements. somehow his always works. "beer= mc² ", he says (is that even science lmao?)

anyways thank you so much for your patience everyone! the science class story will be in the next chapter!

stay gold <3

mrs. curtis 

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