{005} ponyboy- the project

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It had been six whole months since your boyfriend Randy Adderson suspiciously broke up with you, but everyone knew he just wanted to go screw Cherry since Bob was now out of the picture.

It had taken you a while to get over him but now, after a few months, you were ready. Plus, you had your eye on a certain boy from your english class. 

Ponyboy mf curtis 

You had always thought he was quite handsome however after the break up, and recently being partnered for a project with him, you had developed a little crush on the Greaser.

"y/n?... earth to y/n!"

you turned around face to face with the boy you admired as he wore a puzzled look to his face

"sorry i just zoned out a bit there" you chucked nervously 

"i can tell", he smiled, and you hid the feeling to kiss him right there in class

you really had an issue with this boy. an obsession to say the least, however you vowed to never tell him your feelings UNLESS he told you first. that was the golden rule you and your friends followed.

suddenly the bell rang and you were forced to pack up your things 

just as you were exiting the school you heard a familiar voice call your name

"hey y/n!"

you turned again to see Ponyboy running towards you 

"hey Ponyboy whats up?", you questioned

"uh", he scratched the back of his neck, "i was wondering if you wanted to finish the project at my house since its due tomorrow", he nervously asked

"oh shoot i forgot about that", you laughed, "but yea sure that would be nice".

"is now okay?"

you fought back the urge to smile and replied nonchalantly "yea ofcourse let me just go tell my friends i cant go shopping".

turning around you noticed that your friends were already watching you proudly, giggling and giving you thumbs ups

awkwardly you and Ponyboy glanced at each other, making deep eye contact. yep he definately saw your friends and the faces they made. You both started to walk back to his house taking steps in sync 

( im crying this is too cute)


time skip to after  your done the project  

by the time you were finished with the project,  your heart had slowed down a bit. you couldnt say that for the butterflys fluttering in your stomach though. 

Many times while sitting on his bed you two had made long eye contact, and had accidentally touched hands a few times. at this point you were in love

"thank you for coming over y/n, we definitely got a good mark thanks to you", he playfully nudged you 

"um no, thanks to you pony", and nudged him back while he opened the front door

he smiled and again made eye contact with you. it was broken fast by a slow clapping and whistle coming from the Curtis living room however

a boy about 18 years old, seemingly handsome, and wearing blue jeans a brown coat to match his perfect hair grinned back at the two of you

"nice broad Pony", and he whistled again

"oh shut it Dally", red faced, he gave his friend the finger while ushering you out of the house

at the bottom of the steps you could still hear Dally's obnoxious laugh and snorting. he has a sexy voice you thought, but then pushed those thoughts down cause Ponyboy was the one you loved right now 

"im sorry about Dallas", Ponyboy nervously laughed, "hes a bit of a pain sometimes".

"nah its fine, he seems nice enough", and you smiled making eye contact again

suddenly Ponyboy leaned in and softly kissed you. 

"I like you a lot y/n", and he grinned, obviously proud of himself

"i like you too Ponyboy", and you both went in for another tender kiss

sadly it was ruined by more slow clapping coming from the porch. it was dally again.

"dally what the hell man! mind your own bees", Pony half shouted

"its about time buddo", he replyed and walked back inside

embarassed, you coudlnt control yourself and giggled at Ponys friend

Pony smiled, a big smile, and walked you home. the next day he asked you out and you started dating. 

writing this literally made me cry omfg i need this. anyways stay gold 

- mrs. curtis <3

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